Page 10 of Shadow of the Crown

No one, that’s for sure.

And I wasn’t stupid. I knew Lady Takara and her fuck buddy framed me just to make sure I wasn’t in the palace, and couldn’t spread the rumor about how I found them.

Dumb asses.I was never going to tell anyone, and they still ruined my life.

The fae suck so hard they should have puckered assholes.

I pass The Velvet Sands, the most popular brothel in the Summer Court. My stomach churns and knots form in every muscle in my body. For my father and grandmother, I’d do anything. Which might just mean applying for a job. Selling my body in a way I’ll never be able to come back from.

With the way the fae treat humans, the ones they can use like rags in the brothel get it even worse, if half the rumors I’ve heard are true. Being a whore in the Summer Court would mean having my body broken and bruised. Allowing my pain to give pleasure to the worst of the fae… the ones who pay to touch humans when they have so many other choices.

More fire stings my eyes. I clench my jaw and continue walking. If I can’t think of a better place, I’ll have to go and beg for a job before we go too long without food. The decision will likely need to be made by morning.

Decision?I want to laugh. There is no decision. I’ve been marked by losing my job with the fae. That Takara bitch had made certain that I’d be lucky if the brothelletme work for them.

Lucky. To be broken. Lucky to be violated.

I turn down a tree-lined path, wanting to get away from the hustle and bustle of the main street to clear my head. It’s a small relief to be out of the scorching sun under the trees. A chance to get my emotions under control. I don’t want what happened to be written all over my face when I walk into my house and see my grandmother and father.

The only thing that could make what I have to do tomorrow worse is if they found out. They will, eventually, rumors fly after all, but I’ll try to keep this from them for as long as possible.

It takes effort to practice smiling as I walk. To blink the tears from my eyes. But nothing I do eases the tightness in my chest.

I wish I could wake up from this nightmare.

Heart racing, I pinch myself, just in case, but nothing changes. The terrible feeling in my gut builds.Why am I even walking home? I should be going straight to the brothel. The only difference between today and tomorrow will be how hungry I am.

Pausing beneath a tree, I take several deep breaths and think of my grandmother and father. My family. If I’m not home this evening, they’ll wonder. They’ve been through enough and don’t need to worry about me or how we’ll survive. If I’m going to take this next step, I’ll need to come up with an idea to explain my change in schedule.

I need a night to sleep on things and come up with a plan.The second the thought comes to me, some of the tension eases from my chest.A night. That’s all I need. I don’t have to do anything tonight.

“Right.” I laugh. “Tomorrow I can decide all this whore business.”

With my resolve restored, I keep walking. This might not be a good plan, but it’s a plan. The thought of a cruel fae’s hands biting into my flesh, slapping my face, and ramming into me makes me stagger. But, I right myself and keep going, trying to forget the sight of the bruised and battered whores wincing as they walk out of the brothel.

If that’s my future, I’ll handle it. I’ll handle whatever I have to for my family.

My steps come surer as I walk, even though a coldness fills my belly. All I hear are my footsteps on the dirt path. All I see is the flickering of light between leaves as they shift on the ground, and the wind playing on the leaves like today is any other day.

Like the world doesn’t realize that my life got turned upside down today.

I suddenly sense that I’m not alone. My blade is in my hand before I can even think about it. I try not to change my stride, just like my grandmother always taught me, keeping my pace even until I’m absolutely sure I’m not alone.Someone is watching me from somewhere, and I’ll be damned if I let them take me by surprise.

Holding my blade out in front of me, I turn in a quick circle, then crouch, surveying my surroundings. There’s nothing. No movement. But I know I’m not alone. Either that, or I’ve started to lose my mind. I’m going to bet on the not alone thing though.

“I will gut you before you get anywhere near me,” I growl, every muscle in my body tense. Waiting. Watching.

Out of nowhere, Prince Sulien appears, leaning against a tree in front of me. I barely manage to swallow down a scream of shock, but I manage it before clenching my blade tighter. Everyone knows powerful fae can teleport, but I’ve never seen one do it before. From what I understand, it’s considered rude to use the power in front of others. Probably because it’d be unsettling just teleporting around others like an asshole.

Hell, what’s he doing here? Haven’t I had enough bad luck?

I don’t say that though, I just study him. Staying crouched, staying ready. It seems these damned fae aren’t done with me yet, but if he thinks I’m going to take whatever this is lying down, he’s wrong.

“Prince Sulien,” I greet, trying to keep my voice respectful, and failing.

His mouth twitches, but whether I pissed him off or amused him, I can’t tell. The damn man is impossible to read.

When he doesn’t respond, I let my gaze run over him. His long legs could be tree trunks themselves with how large and thick they are. Under his dark clothes, I know they are sinewy and sun-kissed, and the memory of him before his bath dances in my memories no matter how much I wish to erase it. His chest, his huge arms, all of it is impossible to forget, but I want to. I’ve officially decided I hate fae. All of them… but he makes it hard to remember.