Page 28 of Shadow of the Crown

Fuck. I need him closer.

He groans against my mouth, and the sound shakes me from his spell. I leap back, and my gaze goes to Prince Sulien. He looks pissed. His hands curled into fists. His mouth in a thin line.Well, fuck. This isn’t good. Have I already pushed him hard enough for him to call this whole thing off?

No, it was just a kiss. He kissedme. When we fix this mess, I’ll remind Sulien as much.

And stay the fuck away from this Winter Prince.

Despite myself, my gaze swings to Prince Zane. He has his fingers pressed to his lips, and he’s smiling as he gazes at me in a way that makes my heart ache. A strange tugging comes inside of me, and I want to close the distance between us, but my logical brain wins out, and I step further away, trying to look at anything except the two princes.

This whole thing is trouble. I need to get out of here.

Prince Cobar approaches, pushing his way through the crowd, a mischievous smile perked on his face. His mind has to be somewhere terrible. And then, as his gaze runs from my toes slowly up to my head, I know where his mind has been. This guy is picturing me doing all kinds of things, probably positioned between his two buddies.


“I can see now why you had no desire to dance with me. You’re going to be one busy lady being matched with two princes. You’ll get the summer heatandthat icy coldness that’s Prince Zane’s specialty. Congratulations!” He takes my hand as if to kiss it, and the lights flicker again.

Fuck on a stick!

“No no no!” I back away from all of them as the sparks continue to bounce between us, and Prince Cobar stares at me in absolute shock.

Because of the damn spell… I’m matched with Prince Cobar, too. I need to get out of here before I match with a dozen fae males and have to spend my nights rotating between cocks, or else admit my deception.This is too much. I need to escape and fade into the night, never to be seen again.

I make eye contact with Sulien. I can’t read his face, but I think it looks pained. As it should be! He was so damn confident about this spell that I actually believed this could work.

Idiot. Idiot. Idiot.

“Remember Queen Icily, she matched with all four princes,” someone shouts.

Suddenly, everyone is chanting, “Four princes! Four princes!”

My heart drops into my stomach.Do these people just want to see some poor woman bonked to death? I mean, most women complain about having to pretend to sleep to avoid their husbands. How am I supposed to avoid four of them?

Four seemingly hot, horny ones?

It might have been a pleasant fantasy in my bed by myself, but this fantasy is becoming a nightmare really quickly, so I grab my skirt with one hand and search for the exit. I can make it, I think. But through the crowd, it’s hard to figure out which direction to go for a minute, until I spot the stairs.

Then I see Prince Forrest approaching, looking pleased as a peacock, his gaze fixed on me.Fuck.

“You’re at three out of three,” he calls to me with a big grin. “So, damn it, why not?” He reaches for me, and I dodge him, racing for the exit.

The crowd, full of libations, and feeling very loose, laugh as I dart around the guests, trying to escape Prince Forrest’s touch. Some people move out of my way. Others, in their drunkenness, grab me and try to thrust me in his direction. I’m peering over the crowd, looking for the stairs. He’s stalking me like I’m his prey, determination blazing in his eyes. He pushes everyone in his path away, moving closer and closer to me.

I’ve never wanted to crawl into the floor and die so much.

Ahead of me, I see the stairs. I dash towards the door; it’s so close I can practically taste freedom. Then, someone sticks their foot out and trips me. I cry out and crash onto my stomach, then roll onto my back.I’m going to figure out who did that and claw their eyes out.

People gawk at me, laughter filling the ballroom. I scramble to get up, but every time I plant my hand on the ground, someone uses their foot to push me off balance. The crowd parts, making a pathway, and Prince Forrest emerges. I can see the satisfaction on his face because I’m within his grasp.

“Are you okay?” He asks, his voice saccharine.

“I’m fine,” I grumble. My attempt to roll over and escape is thwarted by the crowd. They inch closer, boxing me in completely.

“Touch her!” A woman in a bright blue dress screams.

“Grab her!” Another man says.

Forrest holds his hand out to me. “This is ridiculous. Let me help you up.”