Page 92 of Breakaway Hearts

“It’s a lot, I know,” Sienna acknowledges after she finally wraps up. “But we just need to make sure you understand the severity of your actions.”

“Oh, I do. I definitely do.”

I can’t quite keep the heaviness out of my voice, and Sienna lets out a little sigh.

“I’m sorry, Reese. I know this must be hard.” She chuckles. “I’m not speaking as a lawyer right now, but on a personal level, I…”

She trails off, and I lean forward a little, even though she can’t see me.

“You what?”

There’s a pause, and then she says, “I think it’s pretty amazing that you were willing to go to bat for someone like that. I’ve never seen you be so protective.”

“Oh.” I blink, surprised by her words. “Thanks.”

“I mean, it’s unfortunate it happened at the arena,” she goes on. “But I don’t blame you for what you did. I feel like Callie could’ve tried to defuse things a little better. It seemed like she was egging him on, making him angry on purpose. I get why you felt like you needed to intervene.”

I shake my head, a scoff rising in my throat. “What are you talking about? None of this is Callie’s fault. She didn’t start the fight. I did.”

“Oh, no, no. Of course not,” Sienna says quickly. “That’s not what I meant.”

Irritation still prickles under my skin though. I don’t like anyone assuming that Callie is to blame for anything that happened that night at the game. She’s already been gaslit by her ex enough, she doesn’t need people blamingherfor the fact that he’s a raging prick.

“Anyway, I hope that you’re—”

“Is there anything else you needed to tell me?” I ask Sienna, my voice more curt than I intended. “Any other messages from legal?”

“Um, no. That was it.”

“Okay, then I’d better get going. I was just about to make some lunch.”

“Oh. Alright.” She sounds a bit disappointed. “Take care, Reese. The team’s going to miss you.”


I end the call and toss my phone on the couch cushion beside me. Letting out a groan, I scrub my hands over my face. The texts from Noah got me out of my head a bit, but now I feel a sort of nameless agitation crawling through my veins again.

My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I’ve barely eaten today, aside from the massive bowl of oatmeal this morning. Grabbing the book, I head into the kitchen and set a big pot of water on the stove, getting it boiling. I read as the pasta cooks, and once it’s al dente, I set the book aside and open the fridge, trying to decide what I’ll put on my pasta.

“What the…?”

My brows tug together as I stare at the contents of the top shelf. Several jars of olives, fancy ones by the looks of it, sit bundled up in ribbons at the front of the shelf. I pick one up just as the front door opens and Callie calls out that she’s home.

“Hey,” I say when she comes in from the foyer.

She smiles at me and drops her purse on the kitchen table. Then she winces, picking it up and hanging it on the back of a chair instead, a sheepish look on her face.

“Sorry.” She bites her lip. “I know I’m messy.”

“It’s okay. I like your mess.” I hold up the jar of olives, my brows still knotted in confusion. “Did you buy these?”

“Oh!” Her face lights up and she strides over to me. “Well, I know how much you love olives, and I noticed you didn’t have any in the fridge. You did so many nice things for me when I moved in—all the teas, the food, the whiskey. Not to mention the books you keep buying me. Keeping you well stocked with olives is the least I can do, even though I think they’re absolutely disgusting.”

She makes a gagging face, and I cough to stifle the laugh that almost bursts out of me.

This is the sweetest fucking gift in the world, although not for the reason she thinks it is. And it’s definitely a gift that only Callie would think of getting me. For pretty much as long as I’ve known her, I’ve picked the olives off her plate whenever she pushes them to the side in a salad or whatnot.

Feeling better than I have all day, I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lean down to kiss her cheek. She melts against me, and I nudge her temple with my nose before letting her go.