“Yeah, we…” I swallow. “I thought it would be fun to see an away game.”
Reese clears his throat. “Actually, would you mind getting up, Sienna? Callie was sitting there. That’s her tea, and I don’t want it to get cold.”
A slight look of surprise flashes across Sienna’s face, and she purses her lips into a thin, straight line. The look of jealousy only lasts a moment, though, and she smiles at me before standing up and offering me my seat back.
I sit back down just as she touches Reese’s bicep.
“Thanks for this chat. I was so happy to come out and see the game, even if the Prowlers came out on top this time.”
“You know you’re welcome anytime,” Reese says, grinning. “We can always use more Aces fans in the stands, especially when we play the Prowlers.”
His eyes crinkle a little at the corners as he speaks, and it reminds me of the way he used to look at her when they were together. It’s a look that says he’s obviously still head-over-heels in love with her. And the way she keeps finding excuses to come talk to him every time we run into her means she must still have feelings for him too.
That’s a good thing. An excellent thing, I remind myself. That means this is working.
So why do I feel slightly sick?
“I’ll see you soon, then.” Sienna straightens, shifting her ponytail off her shoulder as she gives Reese one last smile. “Have a safe flight home.”
Reese and I both watch her saunter off, and I can’t help but notice how his eyes follow her as she goes. Back in the bathroom, less than ten minutes ago, I felt loose and relaxed, but now I’m tense as a block of ice. I unclench my jaw and try to stop my throat from tightening, but to no avail. Every part of my body aches, and not in a good way.
“You should’ve kept talking to her,” I say once Sienna is out of earshot. “That’s what this whole thing is about, anyway.”
“That’s the only reason you and I are fake dating,” I remind him. “Because you want to get back together with her. Right?”
“Oh.” He blinks, his brows furrowing a little. Then he runs a hand through his sandy blond hair, glancing down at the little coffee table in front of us. “No, yeah, you’re right, obviously. I really just didn’t want your tea to get cold.”
“Well, thanks.” I try to keep my voice light, but it falls flat. We both shift in our seats. I want nothing more than to get back to the easy mood between us, the fun banter, the feeling that he and I are just friends. Friends who are sleeping together.
We haven’t slept together yet, I remind myself. At least not full-on sex. Part of me is relieved about that, relieved we haven’t gone that far—because I feel certain that if we had, it would complicate how I’m feeling right now.
Because this is already awkward.
Because I can’t stand the thought of Reese being with Sienna again, a woman who doesn’t deserve his worship because she didn’t appreciate it while she had it.
My chest constricts, and I look up to see Margo watching me from across the lobby. Her eyebrows are scrunched together, her blue eyes full of concern. She mouths,You okay?
I offer a half-smile and nod, although I’m sure she doesn’t believe me. I don’t believe myself.
The last of the straggling teammates finally make it to the lobby, and everyone stands to head out to the bus which will take the team to the airport. Reese and I walk side by side, but we have to part ways before he gets on the bus, since it’s only for team members and staff.
“You okay?” Reese asks in a low voice. He holds out my overnight bag to me, and I take it.
“Yeah.” I nod, trying to make that answer true. “Thanks for carrying my bag.”
“Anytime, Firefly.”
“Have a safe flight,” I tell him, because I don’t know what else to say. He nods.
“You too. I’ll see you at home.”
He kisses me, a little peck just for show. He pulls back, nods again, and turns around to get on the bus with the rest of the team. I watch him for a moment, just long enough to see Sienna jog up next to Reese and touch his shoulder. He looks down at her and smiles.
My heart feels like the epicenter of an earthquake, and I turn on my heel before it cracks and shatters.