“Thanks. So do you.”
“We should get back to our table,” Reese says.
“Of course.” Sienna nods, waving a manicured hand. “I just thought I’d come over to say hi. I think the speeches are about to start soon, anyway, so I should head to my seat too. See you around?”
“For sure.”
She turns, balancing with ease on her four inch stilettos as she makes her way back to her table, where a few other members of the legal team and Aces staff sit.
“Damn, Firefly,” Reese drawls once she’s out of earshot. He releases his hold on me and clinks his glass against mine. “I don’t know where you learned to do that, but you’re good at this shit. Really fucking good.”
For a second, I think he’s saying that I’m really good at kissing, but just before I blurtyou too, it hits me that he’s talking about me being his fake girlfriend.
My stomach flutters.
He definitely thinks that me walking up and kissing him was some sort of strategic move, that I did it as part of our plan. But the truth is, I have no ideawhyI did it. When I saw the two of them talking, the impulse was so strong that I followed it without thinking.
But I don’t know how to tell him that, or even whether I should. So I just nod, giving him a conspiratorial look as we each take a sip of our drinks.
He leads me back to the table, managing to snag me a free chair on the way. The two of us settle in as the main part of the event gets underway, speakers stepping up to a podium to thank us for coming as they highlight the charity’s work. Reese drapes his arm around the back of my chair, and we laugh and joke with his team as the evening wears on, playing the roles we’re supposed to play.
But for the rest of the night, I can’t seem to shake the phantom feel of his lips on mine.
* * *
It’s just after ten when Reese pulls up to the curb in front of my apartment. We were quiet for the majority of the drive back to my place, but it was a surprisingly comfortable silence. Part of me expected it to be awkward, given what happened at the event, but when it’s just the two of us in the car, it’s easy to remember who we are.
Callie and Reese.
Reese and Callie.
Just two best friends, hanging out together like we’ve done a million times before.
“Well,” Reese says, chuckling as I stifle a yawn. He puts the car in park and shifts in his seat to look at me. “I’d say the night was a success.”
“A roaring one,” I agree.
“You had some fun, at least?”
“Plenty,” I say quickly, but I blush again at the memory of our kiss. “It was fun rubbing elbows with all those fancy people. Who knows? Maybe after you and I ‘break up,’ I’ll end up dating some rich doctor who saw me across the room tonight or something.”
“Right.” Reese huffs a laugh, although it feels like my joke lands a little flat.
“So, what’s next in operation ‘get Sienna back’?” I ask.
“Do you want to come to another game? We could go out afterward with the team. She’ll probably show up at The Hideout again, so there’ll be plenty of chances for her to see us.”
We decide on the game next Friday, and I promise to wear his jersey again like I did last time. He insisted I keep it so that I’ll be able to wear it anytime I want.
“I should go in and get some sleep,” I say once that’s settled. “Thanks again for taking me as your date. There are definitely perks to being your fake girlfriend.”
“Speaking of that.” He taps his fingers against the steering wheel. “I’m gonna have a car service pick you up to take you to the game. I’d drive you myself, but you’d have to get there earlier than you’d probably like. But you shouldn’t have to take the bus.”
“I don’t mind,” I insist with a shrug. “I’m used to the bus, so it’s no big deal.”
“Come on, Callie.” Reese arches a brow at me. “You know me. I don’t do things by halves. If I’m in on something, I’m all in. And just because this isn’t real, that doesn’t mean I’m gonna treat you differently than I would if we were truly dating. Let me spoil you a little, huh?”