Page 131 of Breakaway Hearts

What the fuck?

I read that tabloid article inside and out, and it never mentioned anything about how Callie and I wrote up a contract. Nothing about the safe words we made up. So how does Sienna know about that?

“What did you just say?” I ask, my voice dropping low.

“I said you still love me.”

“No. Before that.”

She blinks. Then a sudden look of panic washes across her face. She opens her mouth, but before she can try to defend herself, I cut her off.

“You leaked it to the press, didn’t you?” I demand, my throat tight. “You found out that Callie and I were fake dating, andyou’rethe one who told that tabloid. How the hell did you find out?”


Could she have overheard a conversation? But that wouldn’t explain how she knew about the contract Callie wrote up for us. How could…?

“Motherfucker,” I breathe, fury rising inside me. “When Callie got hit by that car, I ran out of the house to go to the hospital. I left you there alone, and you snooped around my house, didn’t you?”

Sienna’s gaze shifts sideways, and even though she doesn’t answer me with words, she doesn’t need to.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I growl. “I left in a hurry because I was terrified for Callie, and you took advantage of that to look through my shit. And, what? You poked around, found the contract, and when I wouldn’t kiss you back, you decided to sell it to the press?”

“It wasn’t like I waslookingfor it,” Sienna blurts. “I just thought your taste in literature had declined pretty significantly with all those cheesy romance novels. So I was looking at your bookcase and… it just fell out of a book, okay? What was I supposed to do?”

I clench my jaw until it feels like I’m going to break a tooth. I turn on my heel and head toward the stairs that lead to the upper level where most of the staff offices are. It takes a moment, but Sienna’s heels start clicking after me.

“Reese,” she says breathlessly, trying to catch up as I stride quickly up the steps. “You have to know, I did it for you. She was just using you, taking advantage of the fact that you wanted me back. She probably loved fake dating you, so that you’d spend money on her and let her live with you. You deserve—”

“Donotsay another word about Callie.” My voice is so low and furious that it surprises even me. I don’t think I’ve ever been this angry, and I stop midway up the stairs, turning to glare at Sienna. “Don’t say a single fucking thing about her.Ever. Do you understand me?”

Her jaw snaps shut, and she nods, looking cowed.

I spin around and start walking again, and although she keeps following me, she stays quiet.

Well, good. She might as well be there for what I’m about to do.

On the second floor, I head toward the area where the legal department works. Sienna trails after me, whispering something that I don’t even pay attention to. Instead, I walk right into the head of the legal department’s office without even knocking.

“Miles,” I say when I enter, setting down my bag near the door. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Oh, Reese.” The older man takes off his reading glasses and pushes aside whatever papers he was reading. He glances behind me. “And Sienna. I have a meeting in about twenty minutes, but I can chat until then. What can I help you two with?”

Sienna moves to take a seat in front of Miles’s desk, but I hold up a hand, stopping her in her tracks. She stares down at the carpeting, her fingers twisting together behind her back.

“I’ve unfortunately come to find out that private information regarding my relationship with Callie Marshall was leaked by Sienna,” I say, cutting right to the chase.

Miles shakes his head. “I’m sorry, what?”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Sienna violated professional ethics by going through my belongings in my house while I wasn’t present. She was there on Aces’ business, working in a professional capacity, when this happened.”

Miles raises his eyebrows, and I can already see his mind working, calculating what kind of liability Sienna has opened the team up to. He clears his throat, his gaze cutting over to her.

“Sienna,” he says slowly. “Is this true?”

I half expect her to argue. To make up some lie about how I’m just trying to pin this all on her because I’m upset about some tabloid story. I’m already prepared for that, prepared to devote every waking minute of my life to proving that Sienna broke professional boundaries while representing the Aces. But maybe she can read that determination on my face, because Sienna slowly deflates.

“Yes,” she whispers, her gaze locked on the floor a few feet ahead of her. “It is.”