Page 112 of Breakaway Hearts

“Sir, if you don’t calm down now, I’ll have to call security.” The nurse makes eye contact with someone behind me, and the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. “Please, take a seat, and we’ll call you once her examination has concluded.”

“I…” I start, but at the look on the nurse’s face, I know he’s dead serious about getting me kicked out of the hospital. I clutch the counter until my knuckles turn white, barely restraining the urge to punch him.

“You’ve got five minutes,” I grit out. “Then I’m going back there whether you like it or not.”

The nurse blinks for a second, seeming a bit taken aback by the vehemence of my words. But he nods.

“I’ll let you get back to see her as soon as I can,” he promises.

He turns his attention back to the piles of paper in front of him, and I step back, grappling with the directionless fury raging through me and the fear threatening to choke me.

I’m so scared.

So fucking scared.

I take a seat next to a kid and his mother. He’s playing a video game on her phone, and she’s staring at the emergency room doors, waiting.

At least I’m not alone in this game.

I pull out my phone, clenching my jaw as I type out a message to Noah.

ME: I’m at the hospital right now. Callie was in an accident. I’ll call when I know more.

NOAH: What?? Call me now.

ME: Can’t. Will keep you in the loop when I have more details.

NOAH: Fuck. Okay. I’m here for you, man.

ME: Thanks.

I don’t know what else to say, so I switch to a new contact and text my sister next, telling her quickly what happened. Even though she’s states away, having her know makes me feel better somehow. She texts me back almost as quickly as Noah did.

VIOLET: Let me know if you need anything, okay? I’ll hop on a plane if I need to. Callie will be alright. Trust me.

ME: I trust you. But what if she isn’t?

VIOLET: She will be. She’s a fighter. Always has been.

I know she’s right. Callie is stronger than most people I know. Stronger than me too. I need to protect her, but I wasn’t there for her when she needed me most.

After shooting one more text to Violet, I click over to Lisa’s contact. My nostrils flare, my jaw going tight as I press the call button.

“Reese!” Lisa greets me a few seconds later. I can hear food sizzling on the stove. “What a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?”

“Lisa.” My voice comes out low and choked. Tears rise to my eyes, and suddenly, no words seem right. Maybe I shouldn’t have called. But I had to. There was no other option.

“Reese?” The sizzling in the background stops. The sink runs. “Is something wrong?”

“I’m at the hospital right now,” I manage. “Callie, uh, she was…”

Something clatters to the ground. Lisa’s breathing comes through the phone thick and heavy.

“She was in a car accident,” I say. “I’m in the ER. The doctors are evaluating her condition right now.”

“What?” Lisa’s voice sounds as distant as mine did when I answered the initial call. “What did you say?”

“Callie,” I start, but I jerk up at the sound of someone calling her name. The same nurse is staring right at me, and he nods. “I’ve gotta go, Lisa,” I say. “They’re letting me see her now. I’ll text you what hospital we’re at. Can you get here soon?”