Hot damn.

I scrub my face before looking back into my house just as Marybell rises out of the tub.

Water drips from her nose onto her luscious lips, and her long brown hair drapes over her left breast, drawing my attention to her large nipple, from which water drops onto her lower body.

She’s a fucking wet dream.

And I want her. So my clan mates better secure her affection or get away from my doorstep.

I’ve decided this isn’t going to be a cycle-long courting, mainly because I don’t think I can stay away from her now that I’ve moved her into my house.

I jog back and whistle at the crowd gathered before my doorstep.

Someone brought a tent. These bitches are setting up camp near the breeder.

“The breeder should be secured within a few spans. She might not be a lycan, but the energies surrounding lycan males on a full moon are said to make Kilseleian females frisky.” I point at the moon. “You know how much time ye all have.”

“And then?” Dan asks, leaning on the doorway of his hut.

Then she’s mine.“And then we’ll see.” I jerk my head toward the shrine, telling him without words that I want to speak with him in the place where others can’t hear us. The shrine is a place of worship where the walls have been spelled by an Acoustico, a Kilseleian blood mage. The price is blood, much like the price I’ll have to pay Philippa, the healer, if anything is ever the matter with my breeder.

When I don’t hear Dan’s footsteps following me inside, I grit my teeth. Dan knows better than to stay at his hut when I call. A public show of disobedience is a challenge. When an alpha male walks, the other males follow, but if he won’t follow, it’s a serious problem.

At the shrine door, I glance to my right, hoping he’ll walk down the street, but all I hear is him spitting on the ground and the door to his hut closing behind him. Silence falls over the group of males gathered near my house.

I deliberate whether I should walk into his hut and end him right here and now. I could save myself the trouble of looking over my shoulder, but an alpha male accepts challenges.

His timing is planned. He’s aware that those on my side are preoccupied by the Kilseleian pussy I brought into the clan.

An intraclan conflict is inevitable.



Since I arrived at the Ott clan, I’ve managed without food or water. Each span, following each of my refusals, the group of males outside grows smaller. The males are giving up and moving on with their regular business. Like construction work and patrolling the grounds.

The peephole in the front door provides an excellent view of the main village street, and that’s how I know what they do. The construction workers labor all span long, taking only a few breaks, and when they’re on break, they visit one of three places in the village. The dark charcoal-colored building with a statue of an elegant wolf guarding the door I identify as a place of worship, their homes, and what I believe is a public gathering place, likely a tavern of a sort farther along on the right.

Philippa spends her spans elsewhere, but she babysits me during the night and offers me water and food. I pretend it means nothing, but drink when nobody is around.

I’ve not admitted anyone else inside the hut.

I won’t breed with any of them.

It’s late in the morning on span four, and I’m sitting on the swing chair, watching the vapor drift from the quiet lake, wishing I could bathe in it, but not wanting to mainly because I fear what’s beneath those waters (if anything). The crisp mountain sun rays pierce the windows and warm my face.

I close my eyes and swing my foot.

Out here, the mornings are perfect, offering a quiet respite from the world and allowing my mind to wonder, to rest. It feels like a vacation, which makes me feel guilty because this isn’t a vacation and milady on the other side of the mountain misses me.

She needs me now more than ever, yet here I am enjoying my vacation. For the millionth time, I think about what Lenox told me before we parted ways. I think about the red flag I could raise if things get bad and I need an extraction.

But things aren’t bad.

I swallow. Things are quiet and enjoyable, and I haven’t had a span off since…never. And now I feel even worse for thinking about a span off or never having one, because it makes me think milady never gave me a span off. She didn’t, but she would if I ever asked. Spans off weren’t ever necessary. I love working.

And I’m not working now.