“Aww, so humble, my mate.”

He laughs again. “Tell me.”

I talk about general life in the clan, mainly things I’m sure he knows, like the lunch schedule and what I would do during my spans there.

“So your life mainly revolved around the princess.”

I nod. “That’s right.”

“And who will your life revolve around now?”

“You.” I say it with such conviction that even Seith widens his eyes. It was such an instinctual response from me that it takes me a moment to even process it. “You,” I say. “I love who I love, and when I love, I support that person.”

Seith’s not speaking. He’s just staring at me. I think he’s in shock. “Are you saying you love me?”

“I’m saying I’m starting to, and if you’re good to me and if you say those nice things to me the way you have been, and the dirty things too, I’ll love you and be your most loyal person.”

He lunges, and I scream in surprise as he tackles me. Just before he enters me, he pauses. “On a scale of one to ten, how sore are you?”



“What?” I run my hands up his biceps and squeeze them. He’s built like my dream male. He is my dream male. My mate.

“When I ask that question in training, the males usually say nine, which means we can push a bit more. Ten is a limit.”

“What is ten, though?”


“I see. By your standards, I’m at four, then.”

He pushes inside me, and I sigh at the feel of him. It feels amazing. “I’m a one now. Definitely one, not even sore. Negative one.”

Above me, he moves slowly and chuckles. “Is that so?”

I lock my legs around his hips and dig my fingernails into his muscles. “I’m not made of glass.”

He picks up the pace. “I want to spoil you.”

See? This is what I mean. He’s going to make me love him. He’s going to become my one person.



On the third span of Marybell’s heat, her urges subside and our nesting activities come to an end.

Marybell prepares her meal wearing a transparent pale-peach nightgown with lacy breast cups.

“I’m contemplating remodeling the kitchen right now.”

“Oh yeah?” She looks up, brown eyes warm and lovely.

“Mmhm. The bar blocks me view of you.”

“I agree. A remodel is due.”