He laughs.

A door slams, and the direction of his gaze toward my house tells me it’s my breeder. Not that I need a sign, because she speaks her mind immediately.

“Hey, where are you going?”

“For a run. Otherwise, I’ll make you face the corner and chant my name for the duration of your heat!” I dislike that she can get a rise out of me.

Marybell walks up and thrusts my coat into my chest. “Put this on. You’ll freeze.”

She’s dressed, and I immediately want to tear all her clothes off and fuck her right here in the snow-covered street. Lycans and Kilseleians are starting to come out of their huts, and those who remain indoors are at the windows witnessing my dramatics with the breeder.

Marybell’s looking at me as if I owe her an explanation. Her eyes are bright light brown, almost hazel, as if she were an omega wolf. She’s not, but she sure is pretty and hard to look at when I’m feeling betrayed.

“I know what’s in that sachet,” I bite out.


I will bite her! “So I’m not your service male.”

“A service male?”

“A lycan who fucks a breeder in heat.”

“Is that not what you wanted to do in the first place?”

“Yes and no.”

She folds her arms over her chest. “Which is it?”

The entire village is listening. I can hear the silence, and we’re not a quiet bunch. “I don’t want to air it all out here. I’m off for a run.”

Marybell snorts. “You walked out, and I want to know why, because you damn well know what will happen with me if I don’t have a healer to help me or a male to fuck me during my heat.”

“Go find a male to fuck you, then.”

Marybell’s eyes widen, but only briefly before they narrow. “Jerk! I hate you.” She spins and leaves.

I do too. I’m marching toward the forest, but my body struggles. It’s almost as if the part of me that is an animal wants to tear my skin off and get out of my body. I’ve never felt this way. It’s painful, so I let the wolf take over, but I don’t look back at her before disappearing in the forest for a much-needed run.

No other male would dare touch my breeder.

Even if she thinks she’s not mine.

And she thinks she isn’t.

* * *


Furious, I slam the door behind me and stomp my foot. “Damn it!” I’m well within my rights to take the sachet. Eyeing the rug, I march toward it and search for the little bag that fell on the floor. Finding it, I walk into the kitchen and stand there looking at the tea pouch as if it’ll nod in agreement. Icantake the sachet and breed whomever I choose, and since I chose the Alpha male of the Ott clan, walking it back now won’t be easy.

Make that impossible.

Unless he meant what he’d said. That I should go find someone else. Lenox is terribly possessive of Gloriana, and that made me think all alpha males are possessive of their mate.

And therein lies the rub. I’m not Seith’s mate, at least not his lycan mate, a female for his wolf, so neither of us should feel bound into this heat cycle any more than necessary. He wants to have his cake and eat it too, and so do I.

I sniff the tea. It smells pleasant and inviting. Fleur left it here for a reason. She thinks I should choose. I think I must.