“What’s in the trunks?” someone asks.

“We’ll inspect them upon arrival,” I say. “Fan out. Everyone back to their stations, but not at ease.”

Once the males disperse, I hop down from the roof and clap Spence on the shoulder as we walk toward the forest. “Make sure the McMars survive this.”


“Secure their passage on the way back. By force if necessary.” Dan will come after the party, and if my brother handles Dan when Dan goes against my orders, my brother will become second-in-command.

“If he attacks the convoy, I’ll kill him,” Spence says.

I nod. “That’s the idea.”

“You said cage, not death.”

“I did say that.” Spence will answer for Dan’s death. It won’t be much of an answering since I presume Dan will provoke him, but it’s not the same as me ordering a kill. The order to kill one of my own for attacking McMars and getting a pound of flesh after the McMars killed my males, would offend many in my clan. I can’t punish Dan for taking revenge. I can punish him for disobedience, though, and Spence can end him in self-defense or a challenge.

Hooves pound the snow, and I whistle for everyone to clear the street before walking into the forest and using the trees for cover so I can observe the party.

Eighteen reindeer pulling one carriage on a sled and two sleds loaded with trunks gallop into the village. The snow on the village roads is neatly packed for easier walking, so the animals aren’t struggling, though judging by the size of them and the fancy black and gold fuzzy blankets draped over their backs as well as some sort of purple booties, these reindeer might be pets. Them royals and dressing up their animals. If I were their reindeer, I’d ram my head into someone’s buttock.

The party stops in the middle of the village, between the tavern and the shrine. Only four lycans in their wolf form arrive right after. One of them is a massive black-furred wolf, an alpha male I recognize as Lenox. Magic around him flashes, and he appears on two feet. Dressed in black on black with a white coat, a color paying tribute to my clan instead of his, he looks around, most certainly taking in positions, exits, the entire layout of my home.

I let him stay there for a bit while I raise an arm, signaling for them to stop, when I catch some of my males lifting their upper lips. No love lost for Lenox or his clan mates.

He circles the carriage, then leans against the door, guarding it. He won’t let the princess out until I greet him.

In a moment, I will.

For now, I want to keep him waiting.

The other three males stay in wolf form, two on either side of the convoy and one in the back.

I leave the forest and hop across the rooftops until I’m back at the shrine. Quietly, I sneak up on Lenox from behind. Once I’m almost near, he detects me and growls, clearly hating that I could get this close to him without him sensing me.

That’s right, Lenox. I’m a fucking mouse when I need to be.

“Greetings, old friend.” I walk around the carriage, startling his other wolves. Hehehe.

“The fuck you doin’ here?”

“I don’t want to be here as much you don’t want me here.”


“But I’m mated, and when you’re mated, you must compromise with your mate. It’s not always whatever I say. Sometimes it’s what she says.”

“Your princess delivered that speech, did she?”

“She did. How does it sound?”


“That’s what I said.”

“And yet here you are.”

“Here I am. What orders did you give them?” He circles his hand in the air, indicating my clan.