He pulls on a gray sweater and starts pulling out some other sack.

“Let me in,” the person at the door says. It’s a female voice. I roll my eyes and tap the window to get Seith’s attention again.


“Tell the traitor lady to leave me alone.”

“Her name is Philippa, and she can’t leave you alone when I ordered her to take care of you.”

“I don’t want her waiting on me.”

“I can’t get another healer.”

“I don’t need one. I’m fine.”

“You seem fatigued, so you need one. And if you don’t need a healer, you need a female to visit with you.”

“Marybell Hanna, open the door.” Philippa is banging now.

“She’s bothering me,” I whine.

“Let her in.”

“But I don’t want to,” I whine again.

Seith smiles. “You’re very cute. You know that?”

I roll my eyes and turn away from him so he doesn’t see the secret smile on my face. He thinks I’m cute.

I expect my mood to dampen as I open the door to see Philippa’s chipper face, but she’s holding a tray full of food, the smell of it instantly making my mouth water.

I swallow. “No food.”

“Marybell.” Her voice reminds me of my mother when she wanted me to do something I refused. “You must eat.”

“I must, but I won’t.”

“Let me in?”

I huff and move away from the entrance, then rejoice when I notice there’s not a single male outside. They’ve given up completely, and I’m a free female again.

“Looks like I wore them out.” I pump my fist. “All that stubbornness paid off in the end. I get that from my dad, you know, the guy your husband hanged in the square?”

Philippa places the tray on the kitchen counter. My feet lead me there, but my brain finally catches on and makes me stand by the couch with my arms crossed over my chest. “Why are you here?”

“Because the males have been dismissed since you won’t eat from them, and Seith sent me with a tray.”

“Seith, the Alpha?” I ask, as if there’s another Seith.

She nods. “He’s coming in here, and he’ll feed you if you don’t eat on your own.”

“Who prepared the food? You or him?”

“He did.”

“If I eat it, will he think I accepted his courting?”
