“Meclan is calling for blood. An eye for an eye will settle it.” I point at the male behind Lenox. “Rohan, was it? You killed Doug, so you should die.”

Lenox shakes his head. “I killed Doug, and I’m not going anywhere.”

I snort. “If you got involved, the entire omega pack would be dead. This way, you could make up any story you wanted. Instead, the killing was done by an amateur and seven of my males survived to tell about it. Rohan had a small pack waiting for Doug and his males. They ambushed my males.”

“That’s not how it went down,” Rohan says.

“You wouldn’t know since you barely survived,” I counter.

He growls again, more menacing this time. Judging by his tattoos and aggressive nature, he’d put up a great fight.Come at me.I lick my teeth.

Lenox whispers something into Rohan’s ear and steps away from the male.

“I will double whatever Lenox offered,” Rohan says. “And you have a free pass to the Summer Court for the season. Surely you know the royal wedding approaches and the fae are in need of…everything.”

Another generous offer. It would make my clan richer. We need the coin to buy reserves during the brutal winters in the mountains, not to mention access to the part of the sea that’s not frozen all the way to the Winter Court.

“One of me males came back with the scent of a young alpha male clinging to his wounds. Big wolf, they tell me. You grooming a young alpha I don’t know about, Lenox?” By the tension in Lenox’s shoulders, I can tell I struck a nerve. I chuckle. “Typically, young alphas can’t control their aggression and will attack other wolves. It was that boy sitting by Grand, wasn’t it? Yours, perhaps?” I ask Rohan, knowing Lenox has no children. None of us have pups. Our clans lack females, and the ones we have can’t go into heat. That’s why finding an omega female was like finding the Fallen Court’s lost princess and claiming the throne.

Rohan shows me his teeth again. “You touch my boy and you’ll regret it.”

I shrug. “You or him. Same difference to me. Unless you have another female omega and you’re willing to give her to me?” They don’t.

“I have a female,” Lenox says.

I blink. “What?” How are the McMars hiding their females? And how come I don’t know about another omega in their clan? “Is she an omega?”

“Does it matter if she’s an omega or not if she comes with ships and coins?”

“And access to the Summer Court during the wedding season?” I prompt.

“Aye,” Lenox says.

I shake my head. “I don’t know, Lenox. It doesn’t sound like you’re offering me an omega.” And if he’s thinking about his sister, I won’t agree. Since Lenox forbids his males from touching his sister, she chats with the males in my clan. It’s only a matter of time before she lifts her tail and lets one or more of them breed her.

“I can’t let you give up Mackenzie for what I did,” Rohan mumbles.

They have no idea Mackenzie visits my clan’s den. This is more fun than I thought it would be. I smile in earnest.

Lenox clears his throat, “It’s not Mackenzie.”

Rohan frowns, and then his breath hitches slightly in surprise. He shakes his head vehemently. “No, no. That’s like sending a lamb to slaughter.”

A lamb? I love lamb. Nom nom. “I wouldn’t hurt her, donkey. I would let someone breed her.”

“That’s the issue,” Rohan says. “She’s inexperienced and not a wolf.”

“Would you rather I give up your son?” Lenox hisses.

Rohan closes his eyes briefly. “I will surrender half my fleet and a portion of the contract I signed with the Summer fae king.”

“How much is this worth?”

Lenox replies with the figure.

I whistle. They’re throwing a lot of coin at me. As they should. But I doubt that will appease my males, and frankly, a breeder in the clan might not appease them either. “Bring me the female. I want to see her.”

Lenox shakes his head. “No can do.”