“Ha!” Spence says.

“Hungry,” Marybell whispers in the lycan language. With our excellent hearing, everyone hears her. Her accent is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. She can’t pronounce the harshhspoken by expelling a gust of air from the lung so when she sayshungrywith a softhandr, my balls swell.

I’m pretty sure Spence’s balls swelled too, because he groans. He’s thinking what I’m thinking, and one glance at the clan mates behind him assures me that we’re all thinking that the female is seeking a male to breed with. A hungry female must be fed, and one of the first steps in courting a breeder is to feed her.

“Hungry,” she repeats louder. Spence hushes her, leaning in closer while I growl louder.

“We hear super well, sugar, and the entire clan heard ye, so ye don’t have to say it anymore. I’ll get ye something nice and light.”

He’s thinking fish.

I might hunt a dragon for her.

Behind Spence, a few males separate from the crowd and sprint past us and into the forest. They’re going on the hunt as lycan males would. They probably think she’ll go into heat, and if she does, they’ll be ready, having gathered the supplies.

Spence smirks. “I changed me mind. Ye should hold on to her, brother.”

He disappears, as do more than half the males on the street who will now have the advantage and the opportunity to feed the female before I ever get a chance to. Fuckers.



The smells of homemade lard soap, burning wood, and fish soup remind me of sneaking out in the passages of the Kilseleian palace and making out with the new cook. Or maybe he was a stable boy? Eh, that feels like a lifetime ago.

I open my eyes to a strange space. I think these stone walls are made of granite found in lycan mines. The Kilseleian military mixed granite with other metals and magic to create some of the weapons for capturing and holding medeisars, a vicious animal that recently turned out to be a triform species, like the lycan who now sits before the firepit in the middle of the room.

I recognize the male as Spence, the Ott Alpha’s brother. Firm tattooed biceps flex as he stirs the pot over the fire. He picks up a wooden spoon and brings it to his lips for a taste, blowing across it before sipping. The face he makes gives me the impression the food is of questionable flavor, and I won’t like it. I seldom enjoy fish anyway, and while I would eat it if I were starving, I cannot accept food from any lycan male. At all. Maybe ever.

Spence smiles, and his pretty blue eyes lift at the corners. “Ye meal will be ready in a few.”

I sit up in bed. Fully dressed and with my shoes located by the door on the left of what appears to be a round room, I’m ready to repay the Ott clan for the killing of their males. Since the Alpha promised the males I would be fair game, this means I get to choose from a lot of them. Accepting food is the first step of their courting, and Spence is here to feed me.

But I can take care of myself, feed myself. Myself and milady. My poor lady. How is she getting by without me? And pregnant too.

“Where is the other one?” I ask.

“The other one?”

I move my hair away from my eyes. Gosh, I slept like a log. My brain’s still not fully functioning. “Your Alpha.”

“He’s your Alpha too.”

I roll my eyes, and Spence chuckles.

I don’t care to amuse him. “My Alpha,” I say dutifully. “Where is he?”

“Fetching a healer.”

Not food. He’s not hunting like Spence and, I’m certain, many others.

The fire dances, the flames catching the bottom of the pot he moves away. “I made you supper.”

“Thank you.” Here it comes.

The male scoops some soup into a bowl and kneels in front of my bed. He offers me the bowl, hooded blue eyes telling me he’s aroused. A lycan feeding a female is courting, and if I accept the bowl and take a sip from the soup, I’m telling him I accept his courtship. In Kilseleian terms, accepting the meal from him would be like flashing him my breasts. The only thing worse than accepting this food would be to eat from his hand, aka, let the lycan feed me.

Spence could’ve offered to feed me, but he’s approaching me slowly, less boldly than Lenox approached milady. Lenox… Well, he came at her like the Unseelie king came at the Fall Court. In full force, until he shattered all her defenses and she was his to do with whatever he wanted. It made her happy. It made me happy to see her happy. Milady is sad now.