Page 79 of Family Like This

“How’s my girl?” Aaron asks.

“She’s good. Ready to go home. Which is why we”—I gesture to Mackie and Amelia—“are going to head back and clean things up there.”

Aaron’s eyes widen. “Shit. Thank you.” He swallows, eyes glassy.

“No problem.” I give him a hug. “Let us know if you need anything else.”

“Will do.”

He hugs both Mackie and Amelia, then we start the long journey back to our cars.

Amelia takes my hand. “I think you should go with Mackie and clean. I can’t help with that, but I can go to the store and pick up groceries. I know the parents are making food, but having easy snacks and staples and comfort food is important, too. Plus, they might need a few essentials, like toilet paper or paper towels.” She sighs. “I know how it is when you don’t want to leave your house because you’re hurting and need time, but then you have to run to the store for random things. Casseroles are great and they keep you fed, but they don’t take the place of necessities. I can take your car.”

“I’ll give you two a minute,” Mackie says, stepping a few feet away.

I sweep my hands around Amelia’s cheeks and into her hair. “That’s sweet and thoughtful.”


“I don’t want you driving. And I know I’m being controlling, but…” One hand drops to her stomach. “Today has reminded me how fleeting this all is. I want you to be safe.”

“You driving won’t magically keep me safe. We’ve talked about this and discussed it with my doctor. I know your anxiety is in overdrive right now, but I need you to take a breath and think about what you can control. I will drive carefully and safely. That is what I can control. What about you?”

I let out a breath. “I can clean the bedroom and make sure everything is ready for them.”

“Do that.” She presses onto her toes and kisses me. “Go with Mackie. I’ll meet you there later.”

I nod. “Okay. But I’m walking you to the car.”

She chuckles. “That I can live with.” She takes my hand and we make the long walk back to the car. Since Mackie’s parked much closer, she’s going to drive around and pick me up.

When we get to the car, I take Amelia’s bag off her shoulder, then lean in and give her a kiss, pressing her against the passenger side door as I do. As I pull away, I look into her eyes, and I can’t hold back anymore. After that conversation with Aaron, I never want to hold anything back again. I rest my head against hers, those seafoam eyes drawing me in like always.

“This is the wrong time to say it, for so many reasons, but I don’t want to keep it in anymore. I don’t need you to say anything back, I just need you to hear this and know it. I love you, Ames.”

Then I slant my mouth over hers, not letting her answer. I don’t need to know right now whether she’s ready to say it back.

She wraps her arms around my neck, one hand fisting my hair as her tongue wrestles with mine.

When I pull back, we’re both gasping for breath.

“Miles,” she whispers. Then she smiles. “To be continued at home.”

“Perfect.” The sound of a car coming up the side street pulls my attention away. “That’s Mackie.” She kisses my cheek and walks around to the driver’s side.

I wait until she’s pulled away before walking over and climbing into Mackie’s car. As soon as I’m buckled, I let out a sigh.

“It’s been a crazy day.”

“Yeah, it has. Still more to do,” I say, pulling my phone out so I can research ways to clean a mattress and dry it in a short amount of time.

“Holy shit,” I say, staring at the bloody sheets in front of me.

“Yeah…” Mackie breathes out forcefully. “Okay, I’ll take care of the sheets. I’m just going to take them home to wash. If they aren’t salvageable, we’ll get them more. I’ll strip the bed. You find more sheets.”

“On it.”

I head down the hallway to the large linen closet, where I find several other sheet sets. I opt for flannel, even though it’s late June, because flannel is always cozier. I grab another comforter, too. Even if the other one is okay, it’s better to have a full set of new bedding.