Page 35 of Family Like This

I’m so utterly lost in her I can’t think. I can barely breathe. The apocalypse could be happening outside, zombies could be beating down the door, and I wouldn’t know. A kiss has never fucked me up so much. Then again, I never cared about kissing before her. I did it because I knew it was important, but it never meant anything to me. Now I’d be hard-pressed to choose between this kind of kiss and sex.

What is happening to me?

A pounding on my bedroom door makes us both jump.

The zombies must be here.

That’s fine. I’ll die happy.

“Yeah?” I yell, not letting Amelia go.

“Almost time to go,” Aaron yells.

I whip my head around to look at the clock.Shit.I was supposed to be ready by now so we can ride to campus together. Yet again, I suck as a friend. Maybe it’s a good thing I never found anyone worthwhile in high school. I would’ve been too hung up on them to focus.

Or maybe it’s just the woman carrying my baby.

“Sorry. Be there in a minute,” I call.

“Okay,” Aaron says, then his footsteps depart.

I give Amelia another quick, firm kiss, then sigh. “Guess I need to get ready.”

I roll over and she slaps my ass. “Yep. Can’t wait to see that ass in some tight baseball pants.”

I stand up, stark naked, and flex a little as she laughs.

Spinning around, I kiss her again. I can’t get enough. “Thank you for being here tonight. It means a lot to me.”

She gives me a sultry smile, though her eyes are light. “I’m excited to be here.” She pushes herself up, so she’s sitting. “Guess it’s time for me to get ready with the girls.” Climbing out of bed, she walks around and gives me a hug. “I guess I’ll see you later tonight.”

“No guessing. You will. I can’t wait to see you in this.” I set my white jersey with purple lettering on the bed. We’re wearing our gray ones tonight, and whoever wears our jerseys for the ceremony after will be wearing our white ones.

She runs her hand over it, then leans up and whispers. “I can’t wait to wear it. Especially later tonight, without anything else.” She kisses my neck, then turns to get dressed.

She’s going to kill me.

Assuming the zombies don’t get me first.

“Boys,” Coach says, commanding our attention as we stand in the clubhouse. “We’ve had a hell of a season. Third overall in the division. More importantly, you’ve come together and played well. I’ve seen lots of individual and team growth. For those of you returning next season, keep it up. For our graduating seniors, enjoy your night on the field. Let’s make this final game as good as we can. Now, I have someone else here to hype you all up or whatever the kids say these days.”

We all laugh at that, but I stop abruptly when Trevor takes Coach’s spot on the floor.

“Hey y’all. So, I think you all know me at this point.” Trevor has been actively involved with the team since he’s majoring in sports management. He wanted to learn about how the team is run from every angle. “A few of you know me better than others.”

“Too well,” I say.

“Hey, shut up. I’m trying to be profound. Anyway, I was lucky enough to play baseball for many years. Even after an injury, I couldn’t give it up. That’s why we’re all here today. We love the game. So go out and play your hearts out tonight. Make the crazy play, run harder, play the best damn game you ever have. And to the seniors—a few of whom I’ve had the joy of playing with in the past—enjoy every second tonight. This is the last time you get to play on a field like this. Have a kickass game. And don’t do anything stupid, or I’ll roast you for it.” He winks and steps to the side.

Coach claps his hands. “Well, you heard him. Play smart and play hard. Get your asses out there.”

The clubhouse slowly empties, but Coach gives us a nod, and we take a moment with Trevor before walking out.

“I’m glad you’re commentating tonight, but I wish you could be out there with us,” Aaron says.

Trev shrugs. “Sometimes I do too. Honestly, though, it’s fun as hell watching and picking it all apart. I’m glad I still get to be a part of it.”

“Well, whenever we get bored and make an old man baseball team, we’ll all get to play together again,” Joel says with a laugh.