“You’re not one of many. You’re one and only. The only woman I want. The only woman Ieverwant. I don’t know how I got so damn lucky with you.”
She purses her lips like she’s thinking. “Well, you’re smart, handsome, know how to work the bedroom, not to mention how kindhearted, thoughtful, and caring you are. Honestly, I feel like the lucky one. I met you and my world changed.” She looks down at her stomach—the bump she insists she doesn’t see. “In the best ways.”
She looks into my eyes, and I see my future in hers. Then again, I think I always have.
“Since we’re on our first date, I think we’re supposed to talk about the future. What we want out of life. And love.”
She swallows hard at that word, but doesn’t question it, which fills me with hope. Hope that she’s getting closer to being ready for those words.
“What do you want?” she breathes.
“From life? I’m still figuring some of that out, but I know I want a life well lived. I don’t want to look back filled with regrets and what-ifs. Sometimes taking chances is hard for me, but I don’t want to let that hold me back.”
“And from… love?”
I smile, knowingexactlywhat I want. “I want to build a strong relationship and a beautiful life with my partner. I want to know we’ll always fight for our relationship, even through the hard things. Life is short and imperfect, but when you find someone you can walk through it with, it’s fuller and more vibrant. That is what I want.” I lean down and graze my lips over her cheek. “And in case I wasn’t clear, I want all of that with you.”
She lets out a soft noise that’s almost a whimper. “Miles,” she whispers, tilting her head to meet my gaze. We stare at each other for a long moment, then she says, “I want that, too. With you.”
Curling my fingers in her hair, I crush my mouth against hers, claiming her. Because this girl is mine. All fucking mine. We’ve stopped moving now, and my other hand is on her stomach. They’re both mine. Mine to care for, mine to love, mine to protect. Forever. It’s hard to believe that six months ago this kind of life seemed a millennium away, but now that I’m living it, I know it’s right where I’m supposed to be.
Love is complicated and mischievous. It works in mysterious ways. When it picks you up and sweeps you away in its mighty current, there’s nothing more exhilarating, even if it’s terrifying, too.
Chapter nine
Stole My Heart
“I’dbehappytohelp with that if you decide to do it,” Amelia says to Rae and Chelsea, who are talking about starting a nonprofit like Promise Advocacy at some point. They both still have more education they need to do, but with the closing of Hope and Healing, they’re both motivated.
“We’d love that,” Rae says. “The idea is daunting but exciting.”
“It’s something we can hopefully work toward,” Chelsea says.
“You know, I bet my dad would be willing to donate and help out financially. He’s the perfect chairman of the board kind of guy,” Jesse says.
“Joel said he might be willing to donate, but that’s a great point,” Rae says, dipping a chip in some homemade queso and popping it in her mouth.
We’re having taco Tuesday at the farmhouse tonight. Everyone is here minus Sarah and Joel, who are off on a well-deserved two-week honeymoon in Bar Harbor, Maine. I texted with Joel a bit this morning, and they seem to be having a great time, but I don’t want to bug them too much. After the hell they’ve gone through in the last year, they deserve a quiet two weeks to just be with each other and be in love.
“I’m definitely more driven to get my master’s degree now. Luckily, Kristen is doing us a solid and giving us the Promise Advocacy umbrella to do outreach under,” Rae says, popping another chip loaded with queso in her mouth. The girl could eat her weight in queso.
“How does that work?” Mackie asks.
Rae’s still stuffing her face, so Chelsea answers. “She very graciously offered to come down here one morning per week to ‘oversee’ us, and connected us with a therapist in the area who we can refer people to. The therapist works on a sliding scale, so she’ll be affordable for anyone who needs her. She’s specialized in this area and women’s health in general, so she’s a perfect fit.”
“It doesn’t quite fill the gap of Hope and Healing, but the women who run the local support group opened up another session in Lacy Creek so we can reach more people,” Rae says. “I’m grateful, but it’s definitely not how I saw this career field going for me to start. But that’s okay. I’m going to make the most of it. I’ll do some nannying while I find the right online master’s program and do outreach.”
“This is really cool,” Amelia says. “Let me know however I can help because I fully support this. There aren’t enough resources for women in general, but especially going through all that.”
“Thank you. I’m sure we’ll need it.” Rae swipes another chip through the queso and lifts it to her mouth when Jesse walks by and snatches it out of her hand before she can eat it. He pops it into his mouth as she stares at him wide-eyed. I watch in amusement as she shoves him. “Jerk. I hate you.”
He gives her his signature charming smile. “No, you don’t.”
Rae rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
Amelia laughs. “It’s kind of shocking you still like him.”