Page 60 of Family Like This

I nod. “Yeah. I haven’t told her yet—”

“Because she needs time.” Sarah lets out a little laugh, then looks across the dance floor at Joel, who is chatting with Aaron. “Been there. Whether or not she can say it, going at her pace means a lot to her. Coming from a girl who knows what that’s like.”

“I’m doing my best. It’s not always easy. I realized last night I never got a first date with her. We’ve done things in a strange order, and I can’t fix that, but I want to make sure we make time for those things now.”

“So you’re dating your girlfriend?”

I laugh. “Yep.”

“Good. I think you should always date your significant other. It helps keep you connected and keeps the love alive. When I wasn’t making time for that with Joel, it hurt us even more. Now we’ve prioritized at least one date night alone each week, even if it’s just cooking dinner together. Those little moments mean just as much as the big ones.”

“I’m trying to do it all right,” I say softly.

“You don’t have to get it right all the time. As long as you’re trying and communicating, that’s what really matters. I have a feeling Amelia sees that too. The way she looks at you makes her feelings clear. I knew her before she met you, and she was much more closed off. She hung out with us, but I could see her walls. With you, she’s open. That’s a special thing. It means you’ve found your person.”

“I hope so. I know I used to pick on you guys for being idiots, but I get it now. This shit is scary.”

“The fall is always scary. That’s why it’s so exciting.” She gives me a wily Sarah smile.

“I’m proud of you and glad to see you so happy.”

“Thanks, Miles. I’m enjoying where I am right now. There’s pain in growth, but it leads to some beautiful places.”

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Don’t cry when I say this, but you sounded like your grandmother just now.”

She stops moving for a moment and looks up at me. Emotion fills her eyes, but she holds her tears back. “She taught me well.”

As the song comes to an end, I pull her in for a hug. “I love you, Sarbear.”

“Love you too, Miles.” She kisses my cheek, then spins me around. “Go get your girl. I have it on good authority there are a bunch more slow songs coming up.”

She squeezes my arm as she walks away, and I stare across the dance floor at Amelia. She’s wearing a black floral dress with pops of green, burgundy, and deep purple. It’s stunning on her. Then again, I always think she’s stunning. Last night when I walked into the apartment, I thought no one had ever looked sexier in a T-shirt and sweats.

I’m hopeless.

She scrunches up her nose as she looks at me, her nose ring shimmering as it catches the glint of the twinkle lights lining the tent. As I walk toward her, she smiles and saunters over.

“Can I have this dance?” she asks.

“How about a whole bunch?” I lean down and kiss her.

“I like the sound of that,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Pretty good first date.” She smirks at me. “Next time, I might like something quieter.”

“Good. That’s exactly what I have planned. Cozy dinner at a nice restaurant. Low lighting, soft conversations, you running your toes up my leg under the table.”

“Oh, you like it when I do that, huh?”

“I like it when your skin is on mine. The slightest touch from you sets me on fire.”

“God,” she says breathlessly. “How do you do that? My touch sets you on fire? Your words light me up. The way you look at me from across the room could melt me into a puddle.”

“It’s not me, Ames. It’s us. We light up for each other because of the sparks between us.” Dropping my lips to her neck, I rumble, “That’s why when we collide, we always catch fire.”

“Anyone ever tell you you’re kinda sexy?”

I chuckle at that. “Honestly? Lots of girls. You’re the only one I’ve ever cared about hearing it from though.”

“Good to know I’m one of many.” She throws her head back, laughing, but I don’t. I stop moving and look into her eyes.