Page 59 of Family Like This

Leaning down, I kiss her cheek. “You’re welcome.”

“Think they’ll be okay in the car?”

“The florist said it’s cool enough today that with the windows cracked, they’ll be fine.”

“Perfect.” She leans in and quickly cracks the windows, then sets the flowers on the passenger seat. Then she shuts the car door and loops her arm around my elbow. “Interesting choice for a first date.”

“Doing the best I can with what I have. But I figure there’ll be delicious food, dancing, love songs, and we’ll be surrounded by romance. That has to make for a good first date, right?”

She smiles up at me. “That sounds excellent.”

“Good. Now, I’ve been skipping out on my groomsman duties, so allow me to walk you to your seat.”

“I’d love that.”

We walk across the gravel path toward the gardens, chatting and laughing the whole way. When we get there, I lead Amelia to a seat on the end of the row, a few from the front, so if she needs to sneak off to use the bathroom, she can. Luckily the ceremony should be fairly short.

As soon as she’s seated, things move quickly, and before I know it, I’m positioned at the end of the aisle, waiting to walk to the altar with Amanda, who is coordinating the timing of everything until the very last moment.

I wait at the altar next to Trevor as Aaron and Mackie walk down the aisle. Mackie winks at me and takes her place next to Amanda and Hyla as Aaron comes to stand next to me. Aaron’s eyes lock on Rae as she walks with Jesse. She gives him the slightest wink as she takes her place next to Mackenzie.

“Jealous I got to walk down the aisle with your girl?” Jesse teases.

“Nah, I got a hell of a view from here,” Aaron says, eyes still on his wife.

Joel is ignoring us as he looks down the aisle where Sarah’s little sisters, Cady and Cassidy, are preparing to do their flower girl duties.

Trev leans in and whispers, “Who do you think will do this next?”

My eyes drift to Jesse. But frankly, I could see it being Trev, too.

“I think I need to focus on the baby thing first,” I say.

Trev’s eyes light up, and he stares at Chelsea, sitting next to Amelia. Dani is sitting in front of them with her sister, Olivia. “Does it make you want to marry her? Knowing she’s carrying your baby?”

I swallow thickly at that, but before I can answer, the song Sarah is walking down the aisle to starts playing and we all turn our attention to her. She looks gorgeous in her dress, and her blue eyes are bright with joy. After all she’s been through in the last year, that fills me with happiness. She and Joel deserve their happy ending, even if I think that’s a terrible term. It makes it sound like you get married, and suddenly, everything will be perfect. I have a feeling some things will get harder. Life sends you twists and turns no matter what your relationship status. When you get lucky enough to find the right person to weather it all with, that’s the ultimate happy ending. Except it’s never the end. It’s the next chapter, and I’m excited to see where Sarah and Joel’s will lead them.

As they take each other’s hands and the ceremony begins, my eyes drift back to Amelia, Trevor’s words playing in my mind. Because the answer is yes. I want her to be my wife. I want to build a life with her. Not out of necessity, but out of desire. And that’s the thing. We’re just getting started. We’re finally slowing down getting to know each other. I want to marry her, but I don’t want to do it now. It’ll happensomeday. As long as it’s her I’m marrying, it doesn’t matter when. It only matters that it’s a happy new chapter for both of us.

It’s been a hell of a wedding so far. Perfectly Sarah and Joel. Not quite as boisterous as Aaron’s and Rae’s was, but it’s cozy and decadent. The amount of fondue involved is crazy—and also delicious. I’ve spent most of the reception feeding my girl. I love when she asks me to fill her plate over and over. She’s nourishing her body and growing our baby with that food, and there is nothing sexier.

She and Dani just went for a girls’ run to the bathroom, so when I spot Sarah on the dance floor right as a slower song starts, I stroll over to her.

“Can I steal a dance?”

She smiles brightly. “I’d love that.” She wraps one arm around my back, and with her other hand, she takes mine.

“Enjoying your day?” I ask as we move to the music.

“So much. It’s all the little pieces of me and Joel pulled together into a perfect whole. I will remember this day forever. Not just the big stuff. The little things.”

“Like lobster rolls and fondue?”

She laughs. “Definitely those. I rarely forget good food.”


“What’s sticking with me more than I expected is the happiness I see in everyone else. Watching my parents smile and whisper to each other as they slow dance fills me with joy. Seeing Rae and Aaron wrapped in each other’s arms looking deliriously happy adds to my happiness.” She looks up at me. “I like seeing you happy, too. You’re in love with her, huh?”