Page 38 of Family Like This

“Nice hitting, Ace,” she says, emotion thick in her voice. My heart swells. I’m so fucking happy for them that they get to have this night. After the hell Aaron went through with his hand and how rough senior night was in high school, they deserve this.

Sarah jumps into Joel’s arms and he spins her around. I’m equally as happy that they get to celebrate tonight after everything they went through this year.

Amelia trots over to me, and I wrap her in my arms, being careful not to squeeze too tight as I spin her around and set her down. She looks up at me in awe, and I could live in this feeling forever. “You were amazing.”

I brush my thumb over her cheek, then lean down and kiss her. “Well, I had my good luck charms here. How could I not be?”

Her smile grows, and she throws her arms around my neck, giving me a tight hug. Then, to my surprise and delight, she lifts her legs up and wraps them around my waist. “Congratulations on kicking ass in your last game,” she whispers in my ear. “I wish I could’ve been around for more.”

I kiss her again because I can’t hold back anymore. Goddamn, I want this woman. Give her my heart, my life, any fucking thing she asks for. She can have my damn kidney if she wants. I just want her.

I slowly set her down, then sweep my hand through her hair. “Seriously, thank you for being here. It means everything to me.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it.”

We stare at each other for a moment longer before everyone else surrounds us, congratulating us on our win.

The stadium has cleared out with only family members, friends, and some college faculty and students remaining for the senior night ceremony. I’m one of only six seniors on the team, but it’s cool that they take the time to acknowledge us. A couple of the guys will be escorted by their moms, another by his girlfriend, and of course, Sarah and Rae will be escorting Joel and Aaron.

Amelia’s arm is tucked through mine as we wait for them to call my name. For simplicity’s sake, I listed her as my girlfriend, but I warned her ahead of time that was only because baby-mama-who-I’m-still-hooking-up-with is a mouthful. Even if my girlfriend is what I want her to be, I’m not going to rush her.

“Now, number forty-one, Miles Hyun-Hansen, escorted by girlfriend, Amelia Davis.”

We walk onto the field, passing two of the other guys.

“Miles has played catcher for the Sea Dogs since his junior year and has been the team’s strongest hitter as well as a mentor to younger members of the team. Miles will be working for JWAC Business Consulting in Ida, New York, after graduation.”

Coach M walks over and shakes my hand. He puts a pin on my shirt, then gives me a baseball signed by the coaches and staff. “Good luck. Keep in touch.”

“Getting soft, Coach?”

He chuckles. “The truth is, I’ve always been a big softie. You just don’t get to see it until you graduate.”

We both laugh, then he pats me on the shoulder before walking back to his place.

They call the next guy, and then it’s Joel’s turn.

“Number twenty-seven, Joel Wilkinson, escorted by fiancée, Sarah McKinley. Joel has played second base for the Sea Dogs since freshman year. Fast and quick-thinking, Joel is in the top five of the division for steals and led the team to a record-breaking number of double plays this season. He will be pursuing an athletic training master’s degree through Binghamton University.”

The audience cheers, and Coach walks over, also giving him a pin and a ball.

Finally, it’s Aaron’s turn and the guys on the team get a little wild. It’s no surprise they came to love Aaron. It’s his personality. He riles people up but also connects with them. He’s great at bringing out the best in them.

“And finally, number three, your favorite closer and assistant pitching coach, Aaron Cooper. He is escorted by his wife, Rae Cooper. Aaron has been a coach for the team since his freshman year, and a pitcher for the team since his junior year. Aaron has elevated the pitching skill of the team while also breaking the Sea Dog’s record for saves. After graduation, Aaron will be working as a guidance counselor and baseball coach in Ida, New York, while pursuing his master’s degree.”

Again, everyone cheers, and Coach gives Aaron his pin and his ball—which I happen to know was signed by the players rather than the coaches. For Aaron, I know that will mean more.

Once Coach steps back, the audience gives a standing ovation.

“Give it up for your Sea Dogs graduating seniors!”

Amelia squeezes my hand and I look down at her. Her eyes are shimmering with pride, and it makes my heart beat harder. Pride rolls through me as I squeeze her hand back, then look out at the stands. As much as graduation will feel good, this is the moment for me. The moment of transition to the next stage of my life. Even though it scares the shit out of me, I’m excited, too.

“So, I see you’re rocking more of a beard now,” Trev says with a laugh. “Is it the daddy thing?” he teases.

I smack his stomach. “Shut up. You just don’t want anyone else to compete with besides Aaron.”

I look over at Joel, who is clean shaven again now. He can’t decide. Jesse looks better with a shaved face, in my opinion, which is good because the beard he attempted was patchy at best.