Page 22 of Family Like This

“Miles.” Ma’s voice cuts through my thoughts, and I look up to see her leaning toward me, hand outstretched in front of Mackie’s place. She and my dad are at the far ends of the table, while Mackie and I are sitting next to each other, opposite my sisters.What’s wrong?she whispers in Korean.

I take her hand and meet her gaze, then look around the table. Mackie squeezes my thigh.

“I need to tell you something. It’s all kind of complicated, so I’m going to explain it the best way I can.”

“You can always tell us anything,” Dad says.

I nod and take one more deep breath before letting it all spill out as coherently as I can. “Back in March, at Sarah and Joel’s engagement party, I met a friend of Rae’s cousin and we hit it off. Though neither of us were looking for a relationship, we started… hooking up.” I clear my throat. “Anyway, we also started texting regularly and got to know each other a bit. We get along well and we have feelings for each other, but before we had a chance to fully discuss dating—” I shove my hand through my hair, feeling like I might break again. “She’s pregnant. We’re going to have a baby.”

“Oh. My. God!” Addie yells.

“You owe me,” Jameson whispers.

Addie glances at her. “No way I thought he’d ever have a kid before us.”

My dad sighs and rolls his eyes.

I look over at my mother. “Ma?”

“I’m going to be a grandma?”


Tears spring to her eyes and she jumps from her chair, hurrying around the table. I push out of my chair and stand up, letting her squeeze me tightly. Then she whispers in Korean,it’s going to be okay.Those words fill me with relief.

“I love you, Ma.”

“I love you too.” She steps back and looks up at me, then my dad puts his hand on my shoulder.


“Thanks, Dad.” I blow out a breath. “Fuck, I was so nervous to tell you guys.”

“Language,” my mother says, shaking her head as she returns to her seat.

I sit back down, too, smiling now.

“Don’t act like you don’t cuss like a sailor when you get mad. Do you think I haven’t heard you on the phone venting to Kara?”

She shrugs. “My house, my rules. Speaking of which, I’m assuming this is why you haven’t been sleeping here when you’ve been home the last few weeks.”

“Uh, yeah. First, it was because I wanted to spend time with her.”

“Is that what the kids are calling it these days?” Jameson snickers.

I shoot her a glare. “And now it’s because I want to be there for her.”

“What’s her name?” my mother asks.

“Amelia Davis. She’s twenty-four, a paralegal.”

“But you’re not together?” my dad asks.

“That’s where it’s complicated. We were planning to make things official last Friday, but then she found out at her doctor’s appointment, and—”

“Aw, does she not love you?” Addie teases.

“Addison Marie,” my mother hisses.