Page 54 of Be My Wife

“She did, huh?”

“Nurse Ina says I have an old soul. Do you think so?”

“I think,” I take her into her hospital room and heft her on the bed, “that you need to be a kid for a little longer. I’m not ready for you to grow up yet.”

She slaps her palm. “Uncle Brogan, get with the times. Ten year olds are changing the world nowadays. There’s no age limit on making a difference.”

I smile.

Lean over.

Kiss her forehead.

She sighs happily. “I really missed you.”

“Missed you too, Pumpkin. I have to go talk to your doctor and then I have a meeting…”

Her face crumples.

“I have to go.”

Her smile is brave but I can still see the loneliness in her eyes. “No problem. They need me in the library anyway. I’m reading the story today. Trevor Hicks has such a boring voice. The kids practically begged me to take over.”

“They have great taste.”

She casts me a worried look. “You’ll come see me tomorrow, right?”

“I wouldn’t miss it.”


I hug her once more and then straighten. Leaving Steph in her room, I plod outside, dragging my heart behind me like a petulant child refusing to leave the playground.

Every inch of me, every nerve of my heart, yearns to rescue her from this place.

And I’m going to.

I walk determinedly to the doctor who’s surrounded by nurses in the middle of a hallway.

He spins. Brown eyes fall on me and brighten. “Brogan!”

I don’t bother with greetings.

Stopping in front of him, I blurt, “Seven days. Can you keep her alive for a few more days?”

He looks shocked. “Well…”

“Can she survive that long without the surgery?”

“There are other alternatives. We can give them a try, but—”

“Do it. Do everything you can to keep her alive until then.”

His sober gaze finds mine.

“Okay?” I press.

“I’ll do my best.”