Page 181 of Be My Wife

Venus has such amazing red, curly hair, but she didn’t want to tell me an adult joke. Bummer.

Anyway, I need to hurry up and finish this letter. Uncle Brogan and Aunt Elizabeth will come pick me up soon. I really love hanging out with those two. Uncle Brogan smiles a lot more now. No more frowny faces!

He’s always touching Aunt Elizabeth and looking at her like I look at Zania’s chocolate cupcakes. Aunt Elizabeth pretends to be annoyed, but she’s always smiling too. It’s too cute.

Of course they’re perfect together. I matched them. And, when I get out of here, I’m going to match a whole bunch of other people too.

Grandma Gwen said the future’s wide open and I can be anything I want. I want to be a matchmaker at Make It Marriage. Can I hurry up and be eighteen already?

Please come and visit me at home, Nurse Ina. I’d come to the hospital, but you know how I feel about there.

Oh, Uncle Brogan’s here with Aunt Elizabeth. They’re holding hands. Aw!

Anyway, bye.

Love you.



Keep reading to find out how you can get an exclusive bonus scene featuring Brogan, Elizabeth, Steph and the rest of the family!

Also, I have a brand new series coming out soon with an exciting twist! I can’t wait to share the sneak peek with you!

I loved to see all the Make It Marriage matchmakers through Steph’s eyes and it was lovely to follow along the journey of a couple that Kayla and Venus matched. Brogan and Elizabeth will forever have a soft spot in my heart. I hope you feel the same! If you liked this book please leave a review now.

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Author’s Note

So… I’ll be completely honest. I started writing ‘Be My Wife’ because… I wanted a novel called ‘Be My Wife’. But I’m so happy I gave into that impulse because Brogan and Elizabeth were such a blast to learn about.

Brogan’s hesitancy to fall in love is one I’m sure many can sympathize with. We’re all imperfect and we all hurt each other—some more intentionally than others. It’s tough to build back trust when you’ve given everything only to be destroyed and betrayed in the process of being vulnerable.

Brogan’s previous marriage burned him badly (see what I did there) and he shut the door on love and happiness. That’s why I’m so happy he met Elizabeth. The premise of their union was… something not many sane people would go for, but I believe there was a part of Elizabeth that knew, deep down, she was looking at a man she could trust. And Brogan found out pretty quickly that Elizabeth was the missing piece he didn’t know he’d been searching for.

But wait. This story’s not done yet. I know some of you were hoping for a wedding scene and although I don’t normally write those, I made an exception for this couple—after all, Mama and the other aunts would not be okay without seeing Elizabeth in that princess dress.

For access to this exclusive scene (and future sneak peeks, cover reveals and book deals from me), sign up to my newsletter here.

Until the next whirlwind BWWM romance.

~ Nia

Trapped In You


Sneak Peek! Trapped In You Chapter One


I open the door to my apartment.

It’s dark and empty.

Just like my life.