Page 161 of Be My Wife

My cell rings.

It’s Mama.

With a sigh, I pick up. “Hey, Mama.”

“Where are you?”

“At home.”

“With Brogan?”

I haven’t told anyone in my family about Brogan and me. No one knows I’ve moved back to my apartment either. I want to keep it that way for as long as possible.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I told everyone to give you two privacy. Since he’s not taking you on a honeymoon, you should at least get that much.”

“Thanks, Mama.”

She giggles. “Are you having a good time?”

I stare at my mess of a living room that’s littered with empty ice cream tubs, wadded up tissues and the smell of despair. “Yeah, great time.”

Translation: every day has been torture.

I can’t eat.

Can’t sleep.

In a word, I’ve been miserable.

Going to work is like grinding an already sensitive wound. Riley keeps teasing me about being married to the boss. The security guards keep rushing to be helpful.

There’s no Gerard to unwind with during the commute to the hospital or the grocery store.

No Gwen to make us soup and offer tidbits about Brogan that he’d rather she kept to herself.

It’s all over.

But in a way, it’s not.

Because people still see me as Brogan’s wife.

Each time I hear someone greet me as ‘Mrs. Harrington’, I feel like tearing my skin off. The only upside is that Brogan hasn’t been in the office. He’s staying with Steph while she recovers from her surgery.

According to Gwen, he’s sticking to her side like glue. She says it’s his way of coping while we ‘fight’. Only she doesn’t know this is more than a fight.

It’s fate.

A conclusion that was drawn the minute we signed the marriage papers.

It’s pathetic that I’m tripping over it.

But I can’t help myself.

I miss Brogan.

I miss arguing with him.

Laughing with him.