Page 107 of Be My Wife

“I don’t care if she’s jealous.”

“Why not?”

He shrugs. “I don’t care what she thinks anymore.”

“You’re over her?”

“I am.”


He nods.

I study his blue eyes.

Test them for sincerity.

Brogan holds my stare. I back off, relieved to see that he really has no feelings for Lana.

Biting back my smile, I wave at him.

Brogan lifts a hand in return.

Skipping to the car, I climb into the backseat with Gwen. She scoots close to me. “What did Lana want?”

“Not sure,” I mutter, my eyes glued to the tinted window as I watch Brogan get into his car.

He presses the alarm fob.

His car chirps.

He stretches out a hand to open the door.

One long leg climbs inside, followed by the other. Brogan’s shoulders bunch under his T-shirt as he grips the wheel.

I wonder if he’s got scars on his chest.

On his back.

I wonder if he’d ever let me see them.

He slept in a T-shirt last night, but I get the feeling he doesn’t usually go to sleep with clothes on.

Maybe I’m wrong though.

Maybe that’s just my dirty mind at work.

“As if.” Gwen grunts. “You put her in her place, right?”

“A little.”

“Not a lot?”

“I have nothing to prove to her.” I watch Brogan’s truck drive out of the lot. “Because he has nothing to prove to her.”

Silence is Gwen’s response.

I look over and find the older woman grinning hard.