Page 4 of Be My Wife

“Dammit!” I fling the will.

Levy scrambles to catch it, his eyes wide and his breath harried. “There’s still a few days.”


“It’s something.”

“That’s nothing.”

“I’ve never known you to be one to give up,” Levy says.


I don’t take no for an answer.

At least that’s one thing about me that came out of the fire intact.

But this?

This is crazy.

This involves someone else’s life.

Someone else’s future.

Even if I offered them a cut…

A small grin grows on Levy’s wrinkled face. “You’re thinking something, aren’t you?”

“It still won’t work.”

“Why not?”

“Say I do find someone to marry me in three days—which I guess I could—it says there I won’t get the money immediately.”

I need that money yesterday.

There’s no time.

Another curse trembles at my lips, but I hold it back. “How long ago did she make the new arrangements?”


“Tell me.”

“Like I said,” Levy winces, “she wasn’t happy about that divorce.”

“So it was right after…”

He nods.

Something dark hovers over me.

A simmering bitterness.

A deep-seated resentment.

Gran was a businesswoman and I was a pawn. The marriage with Lana should never have happened, but I allowed myself to think it was about love when it was really just a farce.