It sends an explosion rocking through my body.
My attention turns to her chest again.
I don’t stop until she’s gasping.
Until her hands are tugging on my hair so hard it hurts.
She cries my name, “Hansley.”
I smirk.
And then my slow, lazy journey continues south.
I can’t put this feeling into words.
The difference.
Between Asia.
And everyone else.
There’s almost a reverence to my touch. A quiet understanding that this is it.
This is home.
I don’t want any distance between us.
I want to destroy every doubt, even in my own mind.
And I convey that with every stroke of my thumb against her skin.
This time, when I part her thighs, there’s no tension.
No stiffness.
We’re both standing on the cusps of a force much stronger than either of us can recognize. But I’m willing to jump in.
Even if I shatter when I reach the bottom.
As long as I shatter alone.
As long as I don’t take Asia with me.
I press kisses up her inner thighs and silently beg her to stay on top of the cliff. To just stay there. And not take a single step more.
If she runs to me, she won’t find me. I’ll be free-falling.
Falling so deep into her no one will be able to rescue me.
My kisses go up.