Page 44 of Be My Bride

Not enough, obviously.

But I’ll applaud the effort anyway.

“Asia, I’m worried about you.” Thad talks fast under his breath. “You met this guy… what? Yesterday? And he’s already so possessive. That’s a bad sign. He could be a psychopath or a mass murderer.”

I snort.

Thad doesn’t. “You need to run. This stranger—”

“He’s not a stranger. Technically. We met before yesterday.”

“You never mentioned him,” Thad says, an almost accusing note in his voice.

“Do I know all of your female friends?”

“Of course.”

He’s right. That was a dumb question.

“What do you want, Thad?” I sigh.

“You. I want you.” He blurts out his confession. “I still love you, Asia.”

My heart pinches as I stare into his grey eyes. Was I ever crazily, passionately in love with Thad?


Not once.

And I liked that.

I love that.

My parents were crazily, passionately in love once.

And then that burning, raging flame sputtered.

And then it blew out.

And then it was ugly battles in divorce court and double the Christmas presents and being guilted into choosing who I wanted to spend the holidays with.

I don’t want my future children to live with that kind of agony. To reel from those deep, unexplainable scars.

My version of a happy marriage is one that’s stable, consistent. Boring.

I want boring so bad it hurts.

But even that dream shattered thanks to Thad.

He was supposed to be my boring-ever-after.

He was supposed to be that steady, predictable foundation that I could build my life on. A foundation that wouldn't shake when things got hard or bail when we disagreed.

I know passionate love doesn’t work.

And realistic love doesn’t work either.

So what the hell? Should I just stay single for the rest of my life?