Page 142 of Be My Bride

I didn’t expect to feel so emotional when she did.

Maybe that’s why she came. Maybe she knew I’d be a total mess and that I’d try to endure the pain alone.

Guess that’s the risk I took with getting the papers drawn up by a lawyer associated with Make It Marriage. These ladies are the nosiest set of women I’ve ever met in my life.

It’s a wonder they didn’t all show up today.

“How do you know that?” I fold my arms over my chest.

“That Hansley misses you?” Elizabeth rubs her chin. “Do you care?”


“It looks like you do.”

“I don’t.” I lean forward. Press my wrists against the divorce papers. “We did what we set out to do. They got Jensen to sign the contract and Make It Marriage is out of the headlines thanks to our positive interview. We succeeded.”

“Then why do you look just as miserable as he does?”

I cup my cheek. Turn to the mirror in the corner. “Is it that bad?”

She cringes. Nods.

At least she’s honest.

I stare at my reflection. A tired black woman blinks back at me. Her hair is in a messy bun, in bad need of another touch-up at the salon. Her eyes are sunken in with dark circles beneath.

On the bright side, I’ve lost some weight.

Who knew heartbreak could stick better than any fad diet I’ve tried?

Elizabeth looks me up and down. “Have you been eating?”


“Somewhat?” She gawks.

I get up and move to the fridge. “Haven’t had much of an appetite.”

“You’re both idiots,” she mumbles.

“What did you say?”

“Nothing.” Elizabeth lifts pink lips in a patronizing smile. “Nothing.”

“I know what you’re thinking.”

“Do you?”

“I know what you’re all thinking.” I circumvent the water in the fridge and grab a bottle of iced tea. “But Hansley and I aren’t like you and Brogan. We have bigger problems.”


I swallow my iced tea and, in a flat voice, tell her about Svena and the pregnancy.

Elizabeth sits in stunned silence.

“How am I supposed to move past that?” I move the divorce papers around. “How?”