Page 137 of Be My Bride

I ruined it.

Just like I knew I would.

Just like I feared I would.

Mom’s prophesy came true.

Damn. The look in Asia’s eyes when she screamed at me…

I can’t wash it away.

It’s there.

In my mind.

In my soul.

It’s a knife in the gut that twists every time I’m around her.

Like today.

For our first Make It Marriage interview.

A camera flashes in the distance, timed to take our picture every ten seconds. Or what feels like every ten seconds. I can barely see from all the flashes causing stars to dance in my eyes.

Asia’s beside me, a polite smile on her face. She’s wearing a simple yellow dress that contrasts her brown skin perfectly. Her long hair falls down to her back and frames her face.

There’s an elegance to the way she moves.

It’s gorgeous.


My wife is everything.

I mean, Asia’s everything.

She’s not my wife any more.

The night I left, we broke up.

But we’re still legally married.

And we still have obligations as a couple.

The week after I left the house and moved into a hotel, Asia called me and reminded me about the interview Venus set up for us.

It was my first time hearing her voice in over five days and I’d been stunned speechless. The only thing I could do was grip the phone tightly and listen to her, soak her in.

Since I left, I tried not to think about my failing marriage. I got through the days by burying myself in paperwork and attacking the Jensen case.

I haven’t been able to eat or sleep properly without Asia.

My bed’s been as empty as my heart.

I haven’t called any woman since. Haven’t even looked at one.

Women still flit around. They still flirt and approach me. My options are limitless. Even tonight, I could have that concierge girl who keeps asking ‘if I’m lonely’. She could be in my bed in three seconds flat.