Page 155 of Be My Bride

~ Nia

Be My Compass


Sneak Peek! Be My Compass Chapter One


My cell roars with The Lion King’s haunting chorus.

Be Prepared.

It’s the anthem of Scar, the villainous uncle and back-stabbing brother to Mufasa.

The ringtone my best friend set for my mother.

The song blares into my office. A pounding refrain. Eerie words blurring together.

I’m not sure where I am in the chorus. The beginning? The middle? The end?

Doesn’t matter.

The melody expands, pushing at the full-length glass windows. Crawling over my carpet. Stabbing the armor that covers my heart.

It doesn’t touch the bruises.

Doesn’t scratch the scars.

Not when I’m so numb.


Okay. Fine.

I still feel it.

I feel everything.

My eyes stare at the screen that’s lit up.


This time is going to be a better. She’s going to ask about my day. How my plants are doing. How I’m doing.

It’s not a request to pull on the monkey suit. To dance and clap on command.

We’ve outgrown this.

I inhale. Fill up my lungs. Set my coffee mug on the desk next to my laptop.

A moment of quiet descends. It’s swift. Sharp. Like a guillotine over a severed neck.

The phone goes dark.

Silence swiftly fills the room until there’s nothing but my own self-loathing.

Nothing but my shaking breaths.