Page 154 of Be My Bride

Later, I found out that woman was your birth mother and my heart broke even more. How could she say such hateful things to her own son? I didn’t understand and I didn’t want to bring it up when you seemed to have moved on.

I’ve been keeping this secret for over a decade, but I don’t want to go to my grave without telling you this.

Hansley, you are not a mistake.

You are not a screw up.

You are nothing like the man who got your mother pregnant and then abandoned you both.

You’re a good man.

A good friend.

And you’re going to be an amazing father.

You’re a wise-cracking bastard when you want to be, but deep down, you can’t hide how caring, loving and sweet you are. Every time you drop everything to show up and help me, I see it and I think to myself ‘some woman is going to be extremely lucky to have you’.

I hope you find the happiness you deserve and the love that will change your life.

Think of me from time to time, okay? I’d like to imagine that your kids call me Auntie Sharon.


Your best friend.



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The Make It Marriage crew is growing ya’ll! Hansley and Asia had a lot to overcome to accept each other. They got married and then started dating. They battled doubts and pregnancy scares, but their love held true in the end. These two and their outrageous Vegas wedding will forever have a soft spot in my heart. I hope you feel the same! If you liked this book please leave a review now.

Read on for an excerpt of Be My Compass a friends-to-lovers romance and Book 9 in the Make It Marriage series! Coming soon!

Author’s Note

Digging deep into Asia’s thoughts about marriage was such a treat for me.

Through her jaded eyes, I was able to enter the world of Make It Marriage from a more grounded perspective while still romping inside a fun Vegas-wedding romance.

Asia constantly harped on the expectations of marriage—hard work, commitment, communication and self-restraint.

None of those words are sexy.

And none of those skills simply ‘happen’ when two people sign a marriage certificate. (Which is why it’s so important to test and observe one’s partner before getting married).

But the beauty of a couple who strives to honor each other and their marriage is something that is very possible and worth celebrating. And it’s something Asia and Hansley stumbled on in a little wedding chapel in Vegas.

Asia’s resistance to falling in love and losing control made her doubt and hesitate, but her walls crumpled in the face of Hansley’s persistence and adoration.

Hansley, too, grew and changed along the way. He knew all the right principles. He knew what a healthy marriage and relationship looked like, but it wasn’t until he met the right woman that he came to himself and made a change. He finally let go of his past and determined to be a better man and a better husband than his birth-father.

This couple was such a joy to write and I hope you enjoyed their journey, even if they did things a little out of the usual order.

For access to Hansley and Asia’s exclusive bonus scene (and future sneak peeks, cover reveals and book deals from me), sign up to my newsletter here.

Until the next whirlwind BWWM Romance.