“Give her a minute,” a man answered. His voice sounded familiar.
“Why did you knock her out? I wanted her conscious.”
“I only intended to stun her. She smacked her head on the bathroom floor.”
“Did you get rid of the deaf one?”
Horror iced my veins. What had they done to Miguel? What would they do to me?
“She’s still not waking.” Under her breath, the unknown woman mumbled, “Deacon picked a weakling.”
Did they know Deacon?
What did he have to do with this?
“She’s pretty,” the man replied. “Nice rack. He could have done worse.”
“A woman is more than her tits, Peter.”
I gritted my teeth as hatred washed over me. How dare that jerk make comments about my body?
“How much longer?” Peter asked.
Fear struck my chest.
How much longer until what?
“He should be on his way now. Which is why I need this one to wake up. Hey.” The feminine voice was closer now. “Enough sleeping.”
I squeezed my eyes tightly shut. It was a solid plan that worked for all of three seconds before someone slapped my cheek. Pain splintered every nerve in my face and I gasped, my eyes popping open.
“There she is.”
I glanced up, struggling to see through the tears.
A woman stood staring at me, an upward curve to her thin lips. She had dark hair and dark eyes. A tailored pantsuit clung to her figure.
She didn’t look like a gangster. Elegance dripped from the tiny earrings in her ears and the rings on her fingers. If I passed her on the street, I’d assumed she worked somewhere in the fashion industry.
Not here.
In the darkness and the gloom with an underling who was too good at fighting with his fists.
“Who are you?” I muttered.
“Your worst nightmare.” She laughed and stepped back. “I’ve always wanted to say that.”
I tried to move and realized my hands were tied. Instead of good ole’ rope, they’d gone the zip tie route and the wires cut into my skin painfully.
Panic mounting, I tried to observe the dark room. Apart from the fact that it was big and had horrible lighting, I couldn’t see much or recognize where they’d taken me.
“Kidnapping is illegal. You could both get arrested for this,” I croaked.
“How cute.” Peter chuckled. “I told you she’s cute.”