“Don’t cry. If you cry, I’ll start crying.”

He chuckled and swiped beneath his eyes. “She wanted to meet you, but we didn’t have any way to get in contact.”

“I’m so sorry. You gave me your card that day, but I’ve been busy and I forgot to call.”

“It’s fine. I’m just glad to see you again.”

“If your wife is up to it, I could meet her now.”

“Would you?” His eyebrows rose and he sucked in a hopeful breath. “She’d love that. The doctors have kept her at the hospital for observation and it’s been driving her mad.”

“I need to use the bathroom first, but I’ll meet you there.”

“Of course.”

He gave me directions and then we separated.

I strolled down the hall, a smile on my face.

How ironic.

Deacon and I met by chance that day in San Pedro and I ended up becoming his son’s caretaker. Peter and I met that same afternoon, and we ended up running into each other again too.

Our lives, nothing but tangled threads, were interwoven and I got the sense that there was a hand gently guiding us together.

My heart soaring, I slipped into the female bathroom. It was well-lit with three empty stalls. I took a quick glance at my face in the mirror and fixed my hair.

In the clear reflection, I saw the bathroom door open.

I thought nothing of it… until I saw who’d entered.


Something was wrong.

My stomach tightened into knots when he slammed the door shut. The lock slid into place with a click. Miguel spun, eyes wild and a tan finger to his lips.

I shuffled back, fear gripping my heart. “M-Miguel?”

His eyebrows slanted and he signed something that I barely understood. Torn between confusion and fright, I forgot everything I’d learned from the sign-language videos.

“Wait, slow down,” I shrieked. “I don’t understand.”

He huffed.

I huffed right back. “What are you doing in the ladies room?”

He started signing again. It was akin to a native English speaker listening to rapid-fire Spanish. My brain translated bits and pieces, but it didn’t make any sense.

I scowled. “Huh?”

Miguel threw his hands high in frustration.

My eyes slid to the door and back. Should I run for it? I knew Miguel. We hadn’t spoken much, obviously, but he was working for Deacon and seemed trustworthy. He wouldn’t hurt me.

Or would he?

Did normal people run into the ladies bathroom and lock themselves in?