The sound of Miguel’s footsteps cut into my thoughts. “It was on top of a palm tree.”

“Thank you.”

He tapped my shoulder. Brown fingers signing rapidly, he said, “Be careful and don’t hurt her.”

“I won’t.” I paused and then admitted, “I like her.”

“Then tell her. Don’t kept secrets.” He stared me down.

For a second, I thought Miguel was urging me to tell Angel the truth of what I did for a living, but that could not be the case.

He spun on his heels and charged back into his bungalow.


But then, Miguel was always a little bizarre. From the moment he’d introduced himself as a part of the island, I’d had no choice but to accept his presence.

Thoughtfully, I strode down the steps of the porch and took the path that led to the villa.

On the way home, I dialed Rasheed.

The line connected after two rings.

“Boss? You’re back in the city?”

“How’s the shop doing?”

“Fine. I e-mailed the spreadsheets from this past quarter.”

I slipped a hand into my pocket. “Rasheed, I need to ask for a favor.”

“What, Boss?”

“I’ll send you the security footage from last night. Go over every inch of it. Report anything that looks out of place. If a shadow so much as moves, I want to know.”

“Why? Something wrong?”

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. Rhia was holding an invisible gun to Angel and my son’s head. I needed to get control of the weapon to defeat her.

“I’ll explain later. Just look over the footage. Maybe there’s something I’ve missed. I need a fresh pair of eyes to confirm.”

“Alright. I’ll do that.”

I hung up and scrolled through my phone to find the selected footage. Despite the pressure mounting in my head, I found myself smiling at the screen.

In the low-quality video, Angel put Reid to sleep and then sat on my bed.

“It’s soft,” she said. With a furtive glance around, she threw herself on it and curled into the pillow. Took a big breath. Threw her legs spread-eagle. “It smells like him.”

My finger caressed the screen.

The first time I watched Angel via the live-stream cameras, it hadn’t been my intention to spy on her. I’d simply wanted to check that everything at home was running smoothly.

But Angel’s day-to-day activities held me spell-bound and, when I wasn’t on mission, I’d just watch her. Cooking. Cleaning. Playing with Reid. Learning sign language.

She was funny, intelligent and caring.

I wanted her body. That was no secret, but now… I wanted her heart.