I was waffling between a cheesy romance flick and an action thriller when my phone rang.

Deacon’s name appeared on the screen.

I glanced at the sleeping toddler and then answered the video call, “Hey, Deacon.”

“Hey.” His face appeared on the screen. As pixelated as the image was, it still managed to make my heart thump. “How are things going today?”

“Great. You’re a little early though. It’s a few hours until Reid’s bedtime. He’s taking a nap right now.”

He smiled.

“Do you… want to call back later?” I held my breath.


The knots in my chest loosened.

Deacon settled back. “Tell me all about your day.”

“There’s nothing much to tell. I made breakfast and then woke Reid up. We practiced our letters and watched music videos about the alphabet, and then we played dinosaurs for an hour. Exciting stuff.”

Deacon’s chuckle sent goosebumps shuttling over my skin. “I know how hard it is to keep Reid’s attention.”

“He’s energetic, but nothing I can’t handle. We have a lot of fun.” I eyed the screen, taking note of the background.

During our conversations, I never asked anything personal. Where he was. What he was doing. He hadn’t shared and I hadn’t asked. But my curiosity was growing.

“Is your trip almost over?”

“Yes. I’ll be home soon.”

My heart flipped.

Deacon on the phone was one thing.

Deacon, walking around and living with me, was another.

“I… can’t wait.”

“Is that so, Angel?” His voice lowered. “Did you miss me?”

“I didn’t say that.”

He laughed, the sound skittering over my ears like music. “I normally bring back a gift for Reid when I go on trips. What should I bring for you?”

“Nothing. You’ve already given me enough.” I paused. “I arranged my dad’s treatment today. He should be leaving the country soon to go to the hospital in Merida.” I sucked in a deep breath. “Thank you, Deacon. This wouldn’t have happened without you.”

Deacon opened his mouth to answer but stopped suddenly. His green eyes shifted and his expression turned cold. Fear danced over my chest even though I wasn’t the one on the receiving end of that glare.

“Deacon?” I called.

He didn’t respond.

“Hello, handsome,” a voice said. “It’s been a long time.”

My heart shriveled.

The stranger in Deacon’s room… was a woman.