My gaze skittered away.
Humphries strode closer, his eyes narrowed. “What job were you talking about? Is it with that guy?” His words echoed against the stillness. I glanced back and saw Miguel staring at us.
He’d shut the boat’s engine.
We were in San Pedro.
“Go,” I said.
Humphries grabbed my wrist. “Come with me.”
“I’m not.”
“Angel, please…”
“Let go.”
He tightened his grip. “No. I can’t let you do this.”
A new hand joined our tussle.
He squeezed Humphries’ wrist until he released me. Pointing to the wharf and then back at Humphries, Miguel stood firm.
Humphries cursed. “You’re going to regret this, Angel. If you mess with that guy, you’ll get hurt.”
His warning shook me, but I’d made up my mind.
No matter what dangers lurked behind the open door, I was walking in.
I was in the office with Reid in my lap playing with his tablet when I heard the boat’s engine throttling outside.
Like the little genius he was, Reid recognized the sound instantly. “Boat, Dada.”
“Yes, Miguel’s back.”
Reid wiggled around, almost taking a dive to the floor.
I caught him before he fell and scolded. “Stay still.”
I tried to hold him back. To be honest, I didn’t want to see the boat that had carried Angel away.
“Boat!” Reid screamed. I heard the climb in his voice and knew he was edging on throwing a tantrum. Although a relatively well-behaved kid, when Reid lost it, I had a hard time controlling him.
Today, corralling a bawling toddler did not appeal. I’d only gotten a few hours of rest early this morning and Angel leaving had soured my mood.
“You want to see the boat?” I asked.
Reid calmed a little and nodded.
I stood and swept him into my arms. Instead of heading straight to the vessel like I knew he wanted, I took him to the balcony.