“No. I mean, you know I like you. I just wanted to get close to you.”
“So you told everyone I was missing even though you knew where I was?”
“You’re making it a big deal. No one got hurt.”
“But what if they had, Humphries?” she yelled. “My mom’s at the hospital right now. She’s losing her hair right along with my dad because she’s so stressed everyday. What if she’d heard about this? What if she’d had a heart attack? Would you have said ‘sorry’ to me and hope that covered it?”
“No.” Humphries’ gaze slid to the floor.
“It’s my fault. I’m the stupid one. Looking back, your excuses didn’t make sense. Peter and I had a big scene in the middle of the road. Someone from school should have noticed. But I took you at your word. I thought you were a good man if nothing else.”
“I’m sorry about your mom, but what did you expect me to do?” Humphries threw his hands high, his voice climbing. “You knew I liked you, but you weren’t even giving me a chance.”
“I didn’t like you in that way, Humphries, but at least I respected you. Our families went to the same church; we had the same values. I thought we were friends.”
“We are, Angel.” He reached out.
She pulled back, her eyes cold. “Don’t touch me.”
Humphries stared at her, crushed.
Angel spun and sprinted down the hall. The guestroom door slammed shut, rattling the very foundations of the house.
It was a miracle that Reid didn’t wake up.
I stepped into the living room.
Humphries eyes lifted and landed on me.
His mouth tightened. “You were with her?”
“I don’t need to answer that.”
Humphries advanced angrily. “Did you sleep with her?”
“Calm down.”
“Don’t tell me to calm down.” Humphries cursed, his eyes wild and frantic. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
Studying him calmly, I advised, “Taking your anger out on me is a mistake. You’ll only get hurt.”
“Just shut up. Shut the hell up.”
I scoffed. No wonder Angel didn’t give this guy a second glance. He was a child throwing a tantrum. Reid on his worst days acted more maturely.
“Do you think this is funny?”
“I know your type.” Humphries hissed, cutting me off. “You take beautiful women, use them and throw them away like yesterday’s garbage. You act like the world should bow at your feet because you’re good-looking and have money, but let me tell you something.” He leaned in close. “If you think for one minute that I’ll let you screw Angel like she’s one of your little whores, think again. To you, she’s nothing more than something you pounded one night when you were bored, but she’s more than a pair of nice tits to me. I won’t let a man like you ruin her.”
Humphries had completely lost his composure. He trembled like a man about to burst from the seams.
“Is that why you’re angry, Humphries?”
“You wanted to pound Angel when you were bored?”