“Boss? Yeah. The kid is his world. I remember once, Reid was sick so Boss brought him to the hospital and stayed by his side for three days. He didn’t shower or eat or anything. He just stood there, watching over his kid.”

Reid babbled happily as if adding to the story.

I acknowledged the baby with a nod. “He’s a good father.”

“That he is.”

I ran my finger over the bottle’s ridged lining and thought about the way he’d slayed Peter in the street. “But is he… a good man?”

Rasheed tipped his chin to the ceiling. “Boss has a lot of secrets.”

“Is that a no?”

“I didn’t say that.”

The door burst open before I could ask more questions. Deacon and Humphries edged into the room.

I shot up, my eyes landing on my duffel. “You got it!”

“Here.” Deacon handed the bag over.

“Thank you so much.”

Our eyes met.

“You’re welcome, Angel.”

The way he said. My. Damn. Name.

My breath hitched.

Every bone in my body turned to mush.

How was I still so affected by him?

“I was the one who stored it safely for you,” Humphries said loudly.

“Thank you too.” I backed away from the men. “I’ve been dying to change into proper clothes.” Running around in my bathing suit had worked when the sun was out, but few people dressed like this after dark.

“Be quick,” Deacon said firmly. “We need to move out.”

“I will.”

Sprinting to the bathroom, I peeled out of my bathing suit and changed into a T-shirt and shorts. With trepidation, I stared at the bottom of my bag. Since I hadn’t planned on an overnight trip, I hadn’t brought extra clothes. At least I’d been smart enough to pack an emergency set of panties.

Thank you, Mama for drilling that into my head.

I emerged from the bathroom and met the guys in the office. With a hand to my hip, I posed. “Ready.”

Having expected Deacon to check me out—just a little—I was disappointed when he popped up without a glance and motioned for Reid.

It was Humphries who trotted over and leaned in to whisper, “You look beautiful, Angel.”

“It’s just shorts and a T-shirt,” I grumbled, stomping away from him.

Deacon fitted Reid into a cute jacket, tugged a beanie over his head and then lifted him up. Rasheed crossed over and snagged a set of keys from the hook on the wall.
