My fingers itched to turn the doorknob, return to her room and convince her now, but it wasn’t the time. Even if I laid my soul bare, she wouldn’t believe me.

I moved away from her door and slammed my thumb against the ‘answer’ button. Slapping the phone to my cheek, I hissed, “You better have a good reason for calling.”

“Did you know your voice is especially coarse when you’re angry? It’s rather stimulating.”

“We had a deal.” I gripped the phone tight enough to break it. “You said you’d give me more time to think.”

“I changed my mind. Another job is waiting.”

“I politely decline.”

Her voice took on a sharp edge. “Do you know what’s at stake here?”

I thought of the security footage of the island. There were no signs of intrusion and it was impossible for anyone to gain entrance without my security system picking it up.

My job had made me paranoid, which was the reason I’d chosen an island with a house built on a hill. I wanted to see my enemies coming.

There had been no intruders. I was certain of that.

Rhia’s threats were toothless.

I was calling her bluff.

“Touch my son or my woman and I will kill you slowly,” I said, my voice calm. “Send someone after us and I will expose you to the law that you fear.”

“You are making a mistake.”

“We both have things to lose. Find another operative, Rhia. Let’s never speak again.”

I hung up and sucked in a sharp breath.

It was over.


Rhia and all she represented stood in the way of a life with Angel. Nostalgia had blinded me for a moment, but the truth was… I didn’t want my old job.

I wanted my son to grow up with a mother’s touch. I wanted my arms filled with Angel and my bed filled with our love.

Everything I’d said to her was true.

I wanted Angel to be my home.

Now… how did I convince her of that?



The boat ride to San Pedro was painfully tense. I did my best not to look at Deacon, to just pretend he wasn’t there. My nerves were a jumbled mess and he looked too good in that Henley and jeans.

Just seeing him in my periphery hurt.

I turned away.

This morning, I’d woken to a raging headache. When I stumbled outside, Reid was already dressed and Deacon was making breakfast.

His eyes had locked on me. Their green depths whispered that we needed to talk, but I just ignored him and his food.