
The front door slammed. Deacon was back. I stiffened and grabbed my phone, quickly dialing my parents so I looked busy when he came in.

Deacon saw me on the phone, nodded and took Reid to the bathroom for a bath. His gaze heated my skin and I didn’t breathe until he’d disappeared down the hall.

Lord, that man was too dangerous to my health.

I didn’t feel this tense when he was away on his business trip. Now that he was here, I kept waiting for something to happen.

Something that probably shouldn’t.

The line connected.

“Angel!” My mother’s voice squealed through the phone. “I was just about to call you.”

“Hey, Mom.” I moved to the pressure cooker that had been stewing the red kidney beans last night. The savory fragrance made my stomach grumble.

Reid’s restless energy and Deacon’s sudden return had played my emotions like guitar strings. Nothing could comfort shattered nerves like food and my mama.

“Wonderful news,” she sobbed. “An American foundation donated money to the hospital and your father’s one of the recipients. He’s getting his treatment.”

My heart surged. “That’s great, Mama.”

“Everything’s moving so fast. The doctor wants him on the plane right away.”

“You should go.”

“I wanted to see you before we left.”

My heart pinched. “I want to see you too, but I can’t leave. I’m working right now.”

Rapid footsteps pattered down the hall. A second later, Reid shot out of the corridor and fell on my legs.

I pushed the pot I’d been stirring away from the danger zone and rubbed his head. “Did you just take a bath?”

“Yes,” he mumbled.

“Mom, I have to go. Tell Dad I love him and I’ll call him later.”

“Alright, baby. I love you.”

I slipped my phone into my pocket and kissed Reid’s cheek. “You smell so good.”

“So does the house.” Deacon sat around the table, one long leg stretched in front of him and an arm slung over the back of a chair. He looked casually sexy and it drove me absolutely insane.

When would seeing this man not affect me?

“Was that your mom on the phone?” he asked.

“Yes.” I shared out the food.

“She’s okay?”

“Mom’s the backbone of our family. She won’t allow us to see if she’s not.”

Deacon’s expression turned thoughtful.