DEACON: Check the dock and report to me. Someone is on the island.
Miguel responded almost immediately, assuring me that he would.
I wasted no time and logged onto the home security system. The moment I’d made the decision to move to the island, I’d installed cameras all around the house.
After typing in the password, I tapped into the feed that revealed my son’s crib.
My heart plummeted.
Angel had Reid, curled beside her. They slept in my bed.
My son was wearing blue, puppy-themed pajamas.
Rhia? Who the heck was Rhia?
The question burned into my brain and haunted me when I got ready for bed. It was there when I woke up the next morning, glaring at me like an unwelcome guest.
Was she an ex?
Someone he’d met at the bar?
A prostitute?
My heart burned every time I considered that option.
But it shouldn’t.
Deacon had a woman in his room yesterday and it was none of my business. He could have a freakin’ orgy and I had no right to say a word, to even sneeze in his direction.
It was his life.
He was my employer and my loan shark.
I took care of his son and cleaned his bathroom.
That’s where our relationship began and ended.
“Come on, Angel. Just forget about it and focus.” My grip on the pencil-thin paintbrush tightened. I slashed a big red stripe over the paper.
“Pretty,” Reid said, clapping his tiny hands.
“I’m glad someone thinks so,” I mumbled and then glanced at his work. It was a… unique tie-dye effect. I nodded in approval. “Someone would pay big money for that.”
Reid laughed, the childish sound dancing over the sand like stones skipping on top of water. He looked adorable in a tiny plastic apron that hugged his belly. The breeze tore at his long, brown hair.
We were painting on toddler-sized easels. I had to kneel so I could reach mine and sand had gotten on my pants and elbows.
I wasn’t the only one getting dirty. Reid’s pale cheeks were dotted with colorful paint and every finger was dyed a different color.
My instinct was to head inside and clean up, but he was having a grand time so I held my own impatience and tried to keep my attention on painting.
I dipped my brush into the green paint and placed two dots inside a circle. Next, black paint created two slanted, angry eyebrows. Pink paint for the lips—so thin they shouldn’t be that sexy. A little scruff around the jaw to capture the hint of a five-o’clock shadow.