‘three months’

I started choking when I saw the number of zeroes next to the salary tag. “Are you serious?”

An eyebrow jumped. “What do you say?”

“Anything can be bought.” Deacon’s words from last night echoed in the sunrise.

My fingers dug into the contract.

This unfairly handsome son of a gun was trying to buy me.



The last thing I’d expected Angel to do was get angry, so I was unprepared when she hoisted the contract I’d painstakingly typed up early this morning and yelled, “What the heck is this?”

“Is there something you’d like to change? I’m open to negotiations.”

Her jaw dropped, but she said nothing.

I gestured to the document, straining to keep the eagerness from my voice. “If you want more money—”

“More money? Why would I need more money? You’re offering enough to buy a small house.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

She scoffed. “You really don’t know?”

“If I did, I wouldn’t be asking that question, would I?”

She scowled. “Is this because of what happened last night?”


“You’re a nice-looking guy, all alone on this island with your infant son and it’s too much trouble to sail to San Pedro whenever you need that itch scratched so you’re hiring a live-in sex toy?”

Her accusations were so outrageous, I barked out a laugh.

Wrong move.

I once thought it impossible, but I saw the smoke escape Angel’s ears as if she were part dragon. “Do you think this is funny?”

“I’m not…” I covered my quivering lips with a fist, “I’m just confused. What part of this contract gave you the impression I needed to pay for female company or that I was interested in paying for yours? If I remember correctly, you were willing to sleep with me for free.”

Angel’s face tightened.

I frowned, realizing I may have been too harsh. “I didn’t mean to offend you. Don’t misunderstand.”

“No, I get it. You don’t need to explain anything else.”

I did so anyway. “Reid needs a proper caretaker. My business sometimes takes me away and I would prefer if he would remain at home instead of with Rasheed at the shop.”

“Then find another babysitter, one who doesn’t live in Belize City.”

“It has to be you.”

“You barely know me.”