“I’m just saying. We went on this trip to get your mind off everything that’s happening with your family. If you don’t want Humphries, at least go out for a drink and talk to someone. It’s been too long since you’ve dated. Not every guy you’re interested in needs to be your future husband. Just have some fun.”
I was stuck on a private island and the only prospect around was way too intense to stop at ‘fun’.
Unless I went and hung out with Miguel.
“You’re thinking about it, right?” Paulina prodded.
“Goodbye, Paulina.”
“Don’t hang up!”
“I just called to let you know I’m alright. I’ll send a text in the group chat too so everyone stops worrying.”
“’Kay. See you later.”
I ended the call and shot a quick message to the group chat as I’d promised. After I pressed ‘SEND’, I bundled my cell phone back into my bag and raised a fist at my reflection.
“You can do this.” I dipped my chin and firmed my upper lip. “It’s just for one night. I’ll avoid him for one night.”
My fingers wrapped around the knob and I yanked the bathroom door open, barreling forward.
My head smacked against something hard.
I stumbled back, my neck craning as I looked up into Deacon’s stormy green eyes.
So much for that plan.
Angel’s eyes widened in shock.
I stepped back, giving her space. “I was just about to knock,” I explained before she mistakenly thought I was a weirdo who waited for women outside the bathroom.
“Yeah.” She slid a thumb into the pockets of her jeans. “Did you put Reid to sleep?”
“That’s good. I was worried that napping on the boat ride would have messed with his routine.”
“He sleeps well regardless of where he is.”
“That’s nice. Sleep is,” she rocked back on her heels, “important.”
Awkwardness seeped into the air.
“I’ll show you to the guestroom,” I said finally.
“It’s that way, right?” She pointed in the correct direction.
My eyebrows popped up. “You went snooping?”
“No, I happened to see it when I was looking for the bathroom.” She moved an inch nearer, a determined expression on her beautiful face. “Why are you on edge? Is there something you’re hiding?”
Target acquired. Rhia’s text wafted through my mind.