Angel jumped. “No.”

“Are you sure?” I demanded.

She nervously batted her hair away from her face. “I was fine. Really.” Tilting her chin, she frowned. “Why are you so angry?”

I remained silent, cursing my lack of attentiveness.

Humphries’ presence had thrown me off my game. Angel’s comfort should have been a priority, right alongside my son’s.

She sucked in a sharp breath.

I angled my head down and spied Reid sleeping peacefully in her arms.

“I’ve got him,” she said, pulling my son possessively to her chest.

“Are you sure? He’s heavy.”

As if to prove her point, Angel stood and strode assuredly toward the pier, holding Reid’s head on her shoulder. I stood and watched her, a proud smile angling on my lips.

Stunning. Strong. She was everything I’d ever wanted in a woman.

She’s leaving tomorrow.

I brushed the thought aside and turned swiftly on my heels, ignoring the dark look Humphries shot my way.

Miguel helped Angel dismount while I hovered behind, steadying her steps. She made it without any assistance and shot me a proud smile when her feet landed on the pier without shaking.

My grin widened.

Her eyes sparkled.

No, my Angel could never leave.

I leaped to the pier, my boots landing with a thud against the wood.

“Hello,” Angel said in a friendly voice.

I signed her greeting to Miguel.

He smiled, revealing crooked, yellow teeth and waved at her, mouthing his own hello.

Angel whipped around, confused eyes landing on me. “Is he…?”

“Yes. He’s hearing impaired.” I lifted my hands and signed to Miguel. “Did anything happen while I was gone?”

He shook his head.

“You know American Sign Language?” Angel smirked. “I’m impressed.”

I leaned in. “If you’re so easily impressed, I can’t wait to show you what else I can do.” My voice was thick with suggestion.

“If you can cook too, I’m protesting.”

I laughed softly. She was teasing me. I liked that. “Come. The dew is heavy tonight. We’ll be warmer inside.”

Miguel trotted off while I led Humphries and Angel toward the house.

“Is he coming back?” Angel asked, watching Miguel trot down a path littered with squatting palm trees and sand.