“Then what is it?”

“An invitation,” I answered.

Her chin lifted another notch. She met my eyes. “Does this little routine work for you?” She waved slender hands and answered herself. “I’m sure it does. Women must eat this stuff up.”

“I don’t know.” I crouched down and slightly nudged her legs open so I could see the scrape on her thigh. “You’d be the first.”

She closed her legs and breathlessly scolded, “This is inappropriate.”

“Why?” I looked up.

She frowned at me. “Because…”

“You still don’t know me?” I rested a hand on my knee. “I told you who I am.” Or at least some of it. “Unless,” I allowed the smirk hovering on my lips to grow, “you’re uncomfortable because you’re attracted to me.”

She coughed, a flush stealing beneath her brown cheeks. “That is so far off.”

“Good.” I gestured to her legs.

She glared at me, the kind of stare that—had she some supernatural ability to shoot lasers from her eyes—would have turned me into human barbeque. After a moment, she slowly opened her legs.

I trained my eyes on the cut and away from where that delicate little line of pain pointed. My body stirred and a flame burst to life deep in my belly despite my intentions.

Down, Deacon.

The tenuous trust between us would be broken if I acted rashly. Touching her earlier had produced an unwitting amount of desire. Being near her, even now, my resolve to be a gentleman was shaken.

Putting my mouth where it did not belong was not an option. I needed to focus before I tainted this beautiful angel with my darkness.

“Happy?” Angel grumbled.

“Come to the edge of the desk,” I said, beckoning with two fingers.

“Are you always this bossy?”

“Only to those who are stubborn.”

“Well, it’s annoying.”

“I can see that.” I took her leg and mumbled, “Your face hides nothing.”

She cupped her cheeks in her hands. “I heard I have a great poker face.”

I paused. “You play poker?”

“No.” She pushed her hair over her shoulder. “I play UNO.”

“UNO? Why would you need a poker face in UNO?”

“That question alone tells me you’re not playing the game properly.”

I took the bottle of peroxide and held it up. “This will sting.”

She nodded.

I poured the liquid over her thigh. It rolled down her legs to her ankles. I sopped up her skin with a towel, noticing the way Angel stiffened. She didn’t make a sound, but she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

While she wasn’t looking, I let my gaze greedily sweep her body. Toenails, painted a soft blue shade. Prim brown toes. Slim ankles. Scooped calves. Thighs that begged to be touched, petted, wrapped around my neck.