“Boss.” Eyes bright, he smiled. “Did you accomplish what you wanted to?”

“What are you talking about?”

He helped strap Reid into the baby seat and glanced over his shoulder. “Angel.”

“What about her?”

“Did you run into each other at the hospital in Belize City?”

“You ask too many questions, Rasheed.” I climbed into the driver’s seat.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” He laughed.

I shook my head and drove to the marina.

Rasheed walked with us to the dock, that silly grin still on his face. I shot him a dark look and he glanced away. I was glad to board the boat and get away from him.

Reid refused to be contained in his baby seat so I held him while I steered us back to the island. Miguel was waiting at the dock. He waved when he saw the boat and accepted the rope I threw his way.

“Gul!” Reid bucked in my arms and pointed to the man.

“Yes, that’s Miguel.”

He clapped.

I smiled, glad to see Reid in such high spirits. He’d shaved ten years off my life last night. Seeing him hurt and sick made me physically ill. I’d follow everything the doctor prescribed so we never had another episode like this.

Miguel waved and signed to me, “How is the little one?”

“Good.” I set Reid down so I could sign.

He took off, footsteps rattling over the pier as he stumbled to the beach and started picking up shells.

“And Angel?”

I shrugged and signed. “We’ll see.”

Miguel nodded.

I collected Reid and took him into the house. After giving him a bath, I fed him and played with him until we were both exhausted. The house looked like a tornado of toys had spun through the place.

I managed to get Reid to pick up a few toys, but it was about time for his nap and he ended up curled on the play mat and falling asleep.

I took him to his crib, cleaned up and started to prepare dinner.

My phone remained silent.

I busied myself with work for the shop and pretended that I didn’t care.

Reid woke and I fed him, played with him some more and then put him in front of his tablet so I could have a few minutes of peace.

It was our usual routine and yet the hours seemed to drag more than usual. As night fell on the island, I wondered if I should give in and call Angel first.

Screw looking desperate.

If I couldn’t have her physically near, I needed to hear her voice.

I put Reid to bed and then picked up my phone to call when it started vibrating in my hand.