He nodded.
“Let’s get you changed and then we’ll head home.” I selected a clean set of clothes from his bag and helped him to put them on.
A nurse entered when I was done. “Mr. Hill, I’ve got the discharge documents here.”
“Thanks.” I signed my name and waited for her to leave.
She didn’t.
“Um,” the woman played with a lock of her curly hair, brown eyes widened, “are you interested in maybe hanging out—?”
The door opened.
Angel rounded the bend and glanced at the nurse and me. I saw the wrinkle grow between her eyebrows and almost smiled. If possible, she looked even sexier when jealous.
“Am I interrupting?” she snipped.
“No, you’re not.” I clutched Reid securely and strode past the nurse. “I was waiting for you.”
“We’re leaving.”
“Now?” She frowned. “Is Reid okay?”
“The doctor cleared him. We’re free to go.”
“Oh.” Her eyes skittered away. “I thought you’d be here longer.”
“Are you asking me to stay?” I leaned down.
She shook her head.
“What if I ask you to come back?”
“To the island?” Brown eyes zipped to mine. “I can’t.”
Disappointment blew a hole through my chest. She was rejecting me. Again.
Angel rubbed Reid’s arm. “I have responsibilities here. Work. My dad. I can’t leave again. But…” She sucked in a breath. “I might call. To ask about how Reid’s doing.”
“I’m sure he’d like that.”
She dipped her chin once and backed away. “I’ll call you.”
I nodded.
Angel turned and fled, leaving me alone again. At least she’d given me more hope than I’d had when she quit and left the island.
I turned back to the nurse. “What was your question?”
“Forget it,” she mumbled and sighed disappointedly. “I guess you really are taken.”
Instead of answering, I grabbed Reid’s bag and strode out of the room. I was hoping to run into Angel again on the way out, but we didn’t meet any familiar faces.
Reid kept me busy on the plane ride back to San Pedro. His energy had tripled, as if he was making up for his time of lethargy. I had to keep my eyes on him every second and it was a relief when the plane landed and I could haul him away from it.
Rasheed was waiting at the airport to pick us up.