Like something I want to bottle up and carry home.

His thumb falls on my shoulder. Lightly caresses me. Makes a trail up and down. Tingles follow its path.

His touch is becoming familiar to me.

That damn persistence is wearing me down.

Which is bad.

Very bad.

He belongs with Catherine.

They carry this movie.

They’re fated.

My nerves flare on edge. I can’t fall for him.

Not if I want to get back home.

My resolve solidifies.


A life that makes sense.

My life.

It’s a place where bullies don’t corner me in bathrooms. Where feelings are held in the secret chambers of the heart instead of shouted to a hallway full of onlookers. Where I get to be the pathetic main character of my own tragic movie instead of stealing someone else’s exciting storyline.



I want my life back.

Easing away from Hawk, I clear my throat. “Should we begin?”

Catherine nods.

“Ladies first,” Hawk says.

Catherine looks my way.

“You want me to start?” I ask.


“Then I have a question for Hawk.”

The handsome jerk lifts two fingers as if to say bring it.

I point to Catherine. “Do you find her attractive?”

Hawk’s lips twitch.

“Look at her.” I insist. “Isn’t she beautiful?”