“You can be one without the other.”

I lift my sunglasses to the top of my head. “You were to come alone.”

“I didn’t.”

“Tell her to go.”

“Catherine and I will leave if you’re going to be difficult.”

I grunt my displeasure.

Shanel arches an eyebrow as if she’s daring me to argue. “I’m not going on that boat unless she does too.”

“You agreed to the date.”

“I agreed to a boat ride.” She hooks a thumb over her shoulder. “But you didn’t say I couldn’t bring a friend.”

I glare at her. “You can’t bring a friend.”

“If we’re just going to stand here and fight, I have better things to do at home.” Shanel scowls.

I glower.

She holds my stare, not budging an inch.

The little minx.

Her headstrong personality is what drew me to her, but it’s the very thing that drives me insane.

I fold my arms over my chest, cementing my stance. No deal.

Shanel slips her fingers over Catherine’s elbow. “Looks like we wasted our time.”

She turns.

My heart thuds painfully.

The need to maintain my pride tempts me. But there’s no joy in the prospect of a night alone.

She’s getting away.

I squeeze my eyes shut.

Her footsteps thump.

“Wait,” I bark.

Shanel spins.

I gesture for her to return.

She remains in place.

Biting back another growl, I huff. “You’re… both welcome.”

Her victorious smile is at once sexy and frustrating. “How generous of you.”

“Don’t patronize me.”